Author Games: Bonuses

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Sponsorships will be done very differently this time. Sponsorships will be done in the form of the Gamemakers betting on their favourite tributes. Now for the major difference... sponsorship will not help you throughout the games. It will only help you in the tasks created by the gamemaker you are sponsored by. When I post the task, it will be clear which Gamemaker dominates the task.

In the appropriate task, being sponsored grants you the following:

+2 Extra ballot

Task entry feedback

-2 deaths

Votes +1 [Can be for same person or someone else]

NOTE: Only five of the ten tasks are sponsored. Sponsor bonuses do not count in Task One, Task Two, Quarters, Semis or Finals.

Malum Venenosa, the Head Gamemaker, approaches his bets with structure and statistics. He's set to sponsor those that he has a hunch will do very well, and will have to have a large force to face in order to be brought down. It is presumed that these tributes can come from any District.

Aurelius Cretore knows exactly the type that he likes. His certainty in his favoured tributes is a certainty these tributes usually have in themselves. Confident warriors and strategists, Aurelius admires fesitiness and strength. It is likely that he'll sponsor tributes from Districts Two, Four, Seven or Eight.

Athena Blackwaters will put it bluntly. She'll sponsor the most beautiful tributes there are, but the ones who are just as deadly as they are attractive. As is her way. It is expected that she'll sponsor tributes from District One and ONLY District One.

Xavier Grimm is a proclaimed lover of the accentric and exciting. He admires difference above all else and values that his tributes may have a few 'loose screws'. Like himself, he enjoys the unpredictable. He will probably sponsor Districts Three, Five and Six.

Puzzle adores the sass and the strength of those who will be underestimated. She adores the thrill of a determined tribute, even if they barely have any brains themselves, she is excited by brashness and potential. It is likely Puzzle will sponosor anyone that suits her, but she keeps her eye on District Nine, Ten, Eleven, and Twleve.

Each Gamemaker gets to sponsor two tributes each, resulting in ten tributes being sponsored.


In each task, I as Game-maker, will add additional scores on top of base marking where I see fit. Each reward will give +1 to your score. If you hand in within the last two hours of deadline, however, you will be void from being able to achieve any of these rewards. The rewards can be any of the following:

Best Quote, Favourite Duo, Most Creative, Best Death and Ow My Feels.

NOTE: I don't have to give out every single of these scores each round. If something doesn't stand out as any of the rewards then rewards won't be granted.


Those with an Author Games ranking under my account can receive the following for every task. This is even if they're not sponsored. If they are sponsored then they receive ranking perks AND sponsored perks. Rankings apply the entire game, even Quarters onwards.

+1 Extra ballot

+1000 Words to word count, should there ever be one

Break a tie, appropriate to rank


I will ALWAYS be available within the deadline to ask for advice on a task response. Of course there are limited things I can tell you but I will do all I can to provide motivation, help and encouragement. I will also be able to talk to about deadline extensions. Extensions are only usually around one-two hours. If you know you'll be away for the duration of an entire task you must contact me the moment you see the task. Unfortunately I will not be able to help you if you tell me two days before the deadline.

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