District 2 Male - STERLING EVEREST [2]

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NAME: Sterling Everest

AGE: 18

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Just at a first glance, Sterling is very handsome. Tall, with lean muscles covering his body, it's no surprise that Sterling is one of the top trainees in the entire District. He always manages to find time to style his straight, brown hair, even though he knows it will get messed up when he's Training. With chiseled features, high cheekbones and a well-defined jawline, he's easily as handsome as the traditionally beautiful tributes from One. Even his eyes, his least favorite feature, are chocolate brown.

PERSONALITY: From a very young age, Sterling's defining trait was his determination. He was determined to be the very best that he could be, no matter how difficult it was. Focused is another good word to describe Sterling, as he never takes his eyes off his goals. Occasionally, Sterling may seem withdrawn or aloof, but that's only because he's focusing so hard on his work, he can't pay attention to anything else. When he does talk to people, he's eager to prove his worth to them, and is incredibly friendly. To the few that Sterling decides to be friends with, he is loyal. After all, maintaining their friendship is a goal almost as important as winning the Games.

THE REAPING: Volunteered

WEAPON OF CHOICE: Bow and arrows, although he'll use whatever he can get his hands on, especially during the Bloodbath.


LIFESTYLE: Sterling has lived a life of second best since he was born. The second child to a merchant family that really only wanted one, he has always felt out of place. Nobody else in his family took the Games seriously, not his parents, and certainly not his older sister Carmela, who never trained a day in her life. She's already helping run the family business, so Training is really the only place for Sterling. Sterling has been the second best trainee for as long as he can remember. No matter how hard he tried, he was always one step behind the best in his age group. In the finals of the Reaping Tournament, a foot race, he lost by literally one step. Although he's thrilled that he's able to enter the Games, since two tributes from each District can enter, he can't help but feel like having the second spot is just a consolation prize.

TOKEN: Nothing. If he's not good enough to win, he doesn't deserve to be reminded of home.

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