TASK SIX: The Fires of Cretore

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A woman watches the large Digital clock on the wall. For a good few moments, the room around her busily moves - but she stays watching - waiting for it to strike. She has the faces lined up and ready to display in electric blue across the arena.

District 1 Female - JADE ROTHCHILD - TayaMatea

District 2 Female - HESTIA NIGHTBLOSSOM - Frostlapse

District 6 Male - EUGENE FORD - TheTupperwarewolf

District 7 Female - CHERESTEA FLOSS - fathomthestars_

Finally, the clock flickers to an eleven and she begins her usual business. She reaches to tap the area of the screen that starts the anthem, but a hand covers it. She pulses a little, surprised by the strange changes in normality. For thirteen years, her main job has been to show the faces in the sky and her days off are only ever when there were no deaths that day. She looks up to see Aurelius, his frowning dark eyes glued to the large screen. 

Without even sparing a single seconds glance at the woman he simply shakes his head. "No. Not tonight..." He says, with a trailing voice that seems possessed by an idea. The others know this tone well, and know it can mean both great and terrible things.

"Don't hurt my babies..." Athena whispers with a little squirm, she pulls her fingers to her mouth to bite the long, polished nails.

Aurelius ignores her, knowing that Malum is watching intently. Sure as assistant Gamemaker his protégée can do whatever he wants, though this doesn't mean Malum won't judge him accordingly. The young Gamemaker crosses the room and to the main panel. He picks up the microphone and the immediately the room falls silent.

"Does anyone else get a little... fired up, when he's like this?" Puzzle whispers, biting her lip. Athena shakes her head, but keeps her wide eyes on the boy, and Xavier simply scoffs at his colleague.

Aurelius clears his throat.

"Attention tributes." He begins. "In exactly one hour from now, a new batch of supplies will be released at the top of the highest mountain. Within these supplies is something you all desperately need..."

The others watch and twist their faces with curiosity. Malum, however, remains standing over it all, not showing any change in expression. Aurelius ignores them and slides the panel in front of him twice until the largest snowcapped mountain appears in holographic form before him. He taps three buttons and a countdown starts before him and the others.


The youngest Gamemaker smirks while the entire room keeps their eyes on the countdown until it finally hits them. Aurelius turns back to the microphone and ignores the pounding in his heart. 

"May the odds be ever in your favour."



Welcome to task six where everything goes to shit. Quite simply, your tribute must be anywhere on the mountain when the eruption begins. I've given you a reason to go there, now you do the rest. Whether it's the ash, the lava or the explosion itself - your tribute must be put in danger. End the entry when you have gotten to some form of safety.


For this task you have to kill/see be killed FOUR other tributes. Think carefully about who because they will receive a -2 count to their score. Normal contestants get 1 ballot. Ranked get 2 and sponsored tributes for this task get 3.

Think very carefully about your deaths. This is what I like to call a secondary bloodbath task, and the way you kill a tribute in your entry will be a large factor in your scoring. 


Samus Kumamoto and Valeria Thracius, you two are sponsored for this task. You must show yourselves in the entry getting a sponsor gift of some sort, or else your post-task benefits won't come into play. On top of this, each sponsored tribute gets a special gift on their appropriate task. On this task, you two receive a private prize.

Contact me regarding this!


The deadline for this task is the 12th July 2015, 10PM [GMT]

For this task, you have no word limit. BUT, a little bonus for this task, if you send 500 words of your entry to me before the end of the 9th July, you will receive a few lines of feedback and a predicted score for your overall entry. WARNING, this score is not set in stone as I will mark it without comparing it to other people's entries. Meaning your actual mark could be a lot different, depending  on your entry.

You must hand in your completed entry to Jackwardsauthorgames@gmail.com

No one can save you now.

Good luck ;)

Author Games: The Last CannonWhere stories live. Discover now