NAME: Athena Blackwaters - [Prounounced A-theen-a Black-war-ters]
AGE: 27 Years Of Age
SECTOR: Graphene - Manufacturing and Architecture [Full guide to sectors found at @Author_Games on "The Odds" workbook]
POSITION: 1st Arena Designer
STATUS: Gamemaking for 6 years.
SPECIALTY: Her modern mind is able to produce a most spectacular display of beauty and deadliness. When confronting something created by Athena, most often the more beautiful it is, the deadlier it can be.
PERSONALITY: Athena is a typical Capitol citizen through and through and actively obsessive over the beauty of all things. She will often fail to find ugliness in just about anything, and has a bubbly, yet genuine character. Her immorality comes from her shielded upbringing and the gloss and shine she has always seen. Kind, enthusiastic and passionate, Athena adores her job and is a little less political about it than most people will. However, her personality mixed with her talents puts her in a good position, as there are not many out there quite like her.
APPEARANCE:Portrait above
Author Games: The Last Cannon
FanfictionEach year, every twelve Districts must offer up one male and female tribute to fight in this pageant. A fight for glory, for honour, and a fight for their lives. This year is the second Quarter Quell, the fiftieth Hunger Games. And as a striking re...