District 10 Female - ALYSSA HIGHLAND

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NAME: Alyssa Highland

AGE: 18

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Alyssa is a slender yet lithe, muscular girl. She may not be what the Capitol would consider beautiful, but she is considered pretty among those from Ten, gaining a lot of attention from the males. She is quite tall, and strong - even if she doesn't look it - due to her years of experience in the meat house of Ten where she had to cart about the carcasses of the livestock and dismember their corpses with an axe in preparation for shipment to the Capitol. She had been working their since her father sent her their at the age of thirteen. Alyssa has dark skin and jet black hair that hangs in curly yet completely natural tufts to her shoulder blades. Although she is able to sprint short distances and at quite a considerable speed, her body is not fit enough for long distance running. She has not learned to swim and she assumes she cannot, but the "doggy paddle" is something she could survive with if it came to it.

PERSONALITY: Alyssa is a shy and reclusive girl due to her sexuality and her past. She finds it hard to make friends, but those she does make are predominantly male. She is a very loyal person to those she trusts but her trust is not something that is gained easily. Alyssa has a very dry, sarcastic kind of humor that most people cannot differentiate from simple rudeness and this has led to altercations in the past. She was once a kind soul, but because of the history of what happened to her District and family, she has become very cold.

THE REAPING: Volunteered



LIFESTYLE: Alyssa is an only child who lives with her father since a zoonotic disease that wiped out 10% of the District claimed the lives of her mother and two younger sisters when she was just eleven. Her father suffers from severe depression as a result, and is quite negligent as a parent, which Alyssa hates him for - even though part of her understands it is not his fault. Although Alyssa gains quite a lot of attention from boys, she has zero interest in them but she cannot explore her homosexual urges because she is the only girl working in the meat house and has very little interaction with any she is actually interested in. She has a massive crush on the Mayor's daughter - who is straight - who she sees when delivering the Mayor's supply of meat for the week each Sunday however they rarely talk. Alyssa enters in the place of the Mayor's daughter, volunteering and then regretting it immediately as the Mayor's daughter is led in confusion off of the stage. Alyssa is determined to win so she can return to the Mayor's daughter with the hope of some romance even though she knows deep down it's futile.

TOKEN: The Mayor's Daughter's Locket

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