Author Games: The Last Cannon - The Results

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Well I've sort of ran out of sappy things to say. These being my last games here, I just want to kind of talk this time about how proud I am over the evolution of these competitions. Pretty much seen it from the start and a huge thanks to ariel-lannister who let me adopt it! I've never really been able to be proud of doing well and being apart of a huge project. With all of your comments and dedication, believe it or not, you've actually helped a small annoying boy grow a lot and learn a lot. And honestly there's no way I can say thank you for tha-ffs, you've scrolled to see who has won haven't you?





In fourth place is...


I can say she without giving it away because THIS IS AN ALL FEMALE FINAL. She's respectively new to the scene of Author Games but proved everyone wrong by making it to this final. Inconsistent at times, this would only be because of her passion and the thoughtfulness of her work. I have never seen anyone adore her character and her messages as much as this girl, and it really shows. I think everyone at some point had a little soft spot for this tribute, however bloodthirsty and corrupt they ended up being. I'm glad she entered, despite the persuasion it originally took. A final entry that was a perfect portion of icing on a rather tragic cake...

In fourth place: - Castiel Lyons - xXNutellaDreamsXx!


In third place we have an author that, despite having so many ideas, often didn't know where to put them. She wanted the best and to create the finest entries she possibly could, but apparently struggled with connecting to her tribute. This did not show in her work. She presented beautiful entries that truly represented how hard she worked to get to where she did. My advice to her is to stop worrying about lack of motivation, and instead go out there and find it. Because when you get it right I could read your work for hours!

In third place: - Samus Kumamoto - Learning_To_Breathe!!


In second we have another writer who extends the reach of what is expected. A thoughtful creator, this author created a fun, accessible but also tragically interesting character. A veteran to the world of Author Games, her final entry was a perfect balance and a perfect end to her tale. She works with emotions, and if by god you're not crying by the end of anything she writes, whether it be hilarious or unreasonably moving, you're simply reading it wrong. 

In second place: - Cosmo Cavalli - Oh_Nostalgia!!! [1]


And so we have the winner. A woman who is utterly new to Author Games. From the very start - even when she randomly on the off chance won the reservation lottery - she has been the most fiercest contender. With an entire alliance against her, she pulled through and appealed to the audience and was mutually adored by most. A perfected character who was far from perfect met the exact balance needed to fashion an accessible protagonist. For your first games... not too shabby. Not too shabby at all.

It is my greatest honour to reveal our victor of Author Games: The Last Cannon, Mia Circuit - IamSiobhan!!!!


Well that's it. Everything runs its course. But sometimes... instead of simply withering away and becoming extinct... we simply... 


Stick around, keep your eyes peeled.

But for now. 

This has been Author Games: The Last Cannon - signing out!

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