District 2 Male - IZAYA KAMI

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NAME: Izaya Kami

AGE: 16

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Short choppy black hair with dark brown eyes. He is very small for his age being 5'5". You can always find his famous smirk on his face where ever he goes. He has a good tan. You can also tell he trains by his muscles.

PERSONALITY: Izaya is a trickster. He loves to play pranks. He mainly does it just to see the reaction. Izaya is really smart planning everything out three steps ahead of the other person, and when something goes wrong in that plan, he already has a back-up plan. Though he really likes annoying people and messing with them to, he can be one of the most loyal person you will ever meet if you have him as a friend or ally.

THE REAPING: Volunteered



LIFESTYLE: Izaya grew up as a regular District 2 kid. He went to school. He trained. T he hough through out his life became sadistic from his pranks. He would do various pranks to see the people that were tricked, reactions. From fear (which was his favorite) to surprise, he watched how they reacted. There was one person that he particularly liked to prank, Juro. Juro would always react violently, causing them to run around their district for a long time. Izaya soon became bored of tricking his district, so when the Hunger Games came around Izaya immediately volenteered.

TOKEN: The King chest piece

Author Games: The Last CannonWhere stories live. Discover now