TASK NINE: And So It Ends/F

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On the edge of the west side is a screen still displaying the odds board. It hasn't been updated since the victory that happened just an hour ago, but there are only four faces still showing. It seems strange that just a day ago there were seven people left in this arena. This evenings odds board is missing:

District 2 Female - VALERIA THRACIUS - ariel-lannister [3]

District 4 Female - REN PELAGIA - SilverAndGoldfish [9]

District 4 Female - NAERISSA MERIDIAN - theravensdiadem

Malum brushes slowly by it, his body language slightly sunken, but his expressions unchanged. He climbs three steps and onto the second circle of the tech room, a place where four other talented gamemakers had stood over the past three weeks.

He turns around, taking one last look at the alive electric before him. With a sigh, he remembers everything about this room. From his first games, to his last, he can truly say he's a changed person because of everything that has happened. He turns around slowly and waves a hand over a device on the wall.

With his back to the room, it's light flickers once and then is soon weighed down by the utter darkness.

Without a second look back, Malum keeps himself walking up the stairs and finally to the doors. He stops, almost feeling the call of the room behind him that has so infinitely become his home. He tilts his head ever so slightly but keeps his direction forward. His hands slowly rise to the doors and he presses against them. They open, and the world beyond seems so much bigger than before. Without hesitation, Malum strides into the beyond. And the room is left to its silent solitude.



Welcome to task nine; my last finals, my last Author Games task. Appropriately, you must write the epilogue of the character that may occur anywhere after 5 years from the end of the 50th Hunger Games. The character must have won these games, and in the entry you must include ONE flashback to the games. This doesn't have to be a flashback of you winning, but it should be from the semi onwards, meaning it can contain anyone alive in the previous task that didn't make it to this final.


Ah... LISTEN HERE. So. You're not writing your own final. You're writing someone else's, but this will be private. The entries will go up as normal but I will NOT be telling or showing the readers who wrote for which character. This will lead them to vote for the entries themselves and NOT the username who wrote it. However, the draw is random and there is a chance you could get your own tribute. I will contact you after this is posted as to who you have received.


The deadline for this task is the 5th August 2015, 10PM [GMT]

For this task, you have 1500 word limit.

You must hand in your completed entry to Jackwardsauthorgames@gmail.com

Good luck ;)

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