TASK FIVE: Rumple's Dance

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Five young faces fill the night sky as the moon rises on the second night. When sun rises tomorrow, a new day begins and new horrors will emerge.

District 4 Male - THORNE KUNSTLER - Bramblestar720

District 6 Female - EMLYN TREVITHICK - josie-tee

District 10 Female - ALYSSA HIGHLAND - MadeInWicklow

District 11 Female - PAIGE TRIMMINGS - FrankieWritesBooks

"And after the sixth day," Xavier begins as he always does, the Capitol anthem spinning behind him and morphing into a five and a zero. "District Ten is completely wiped off the map - and the outlining Districts are holding onto survival in these games by the thinnest of threads!" 

Puzzle scoffs and slides a tablet in front of her. Xavier's panel on the main screen swipes to the side and a video of Miriam Rowen, settling down for the night, replaces it. She looks around and cuddles her arms, shaking away the goosebumps that the night bestows upon her.

Puzzle knows the last two from the outliners are her favourites, and you can think again if she's going to be the first Gamemaker to lay down and die.

"Enough messing around." She groans and slams the closest button to her. The largest screen switches to footage of the inside of a hovercraft. The place is empty, except at one of the middle seats on the right-hand side, is a figure in a hooded cloak. "This should do some damage..." Puzzle smiles and even Aurelius can't help but be intruiged.



Welcome to task five where everything comes at a price! Your tribute must meet this figure and they must be completely alone when they do. This figure can take the form of whatever/whoever you like - so long as they have a human build. Details are down to your creativity. The figure will soon introduce itself as Rumpelstiltskin. It will then tell you that it will grant you one wish (within reason*), but everything comes at a price. In return, you must give something to this person. Something invaluable.

*Within reason being completely down to you, I trust that you won't wish to win the Hunger Games or kill everyone in the arena but you. The wish isn't magical and it can't directly affect the other tributes. If you're unsure if your wish is allowed, pop me a PM. 


For this task, you can kill one person in your entry, or you can kill no one. However, should decide to kill someone in your entry, it will count as -2 to their overall score instead of -1. There are no ballots for your average player, but ranked tributes get 1 ballot and sponsored tributes get 2.

However... I thought I'd throw in a little twist. These deaths won't really change much this task. Because this task, despite that I am still scoring, scores and ranks will not matter. I am choosing who goes up for votes this round based solely on your entry. So impress me, or else. There are 21 of you left. 7 are going up for votes, 4 of you will be leaving the competition.


Minnie Howl and Miriam Rowen, you two are sponsored for this task. You must show yourselves in the entry getting a sponsor gift of some sort, or else your post-task benefits won't come into play. On top of this, each sponsored tribute gets a special gift on their appropriate task. Last task, the brothers from one were told who balloted them. On this task, you two receive a different private prize.

Contact me regarding this!


The deadline for this task is the 5th July 2015, 10PM [GMT]

For this task, you have NO word limit. HOWEVER, If I get bored I will stop reading after 1000 words. So be smart.

You must hand in your completed entry to Jackwardsauthorgames@gmail.com

No one can save you now.

Good luck ;)

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