District 7 Male - HYUNSHIK PARK

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NAME: Hyunshik Park

AGE: 17

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Hyunshik's hair, eyes and skin match that of the average citizen of Seven. His hair is nearly black, but under light it looks red - something that seems to run in his family. His eyes, usually decorated with a layer of eyeliner, also change under the light, from dark brown to a more hazel colour. His skin is peachy, yet slightly darker than that of an average citizen, despite him spending minimal time out in the sun. Standing at a height of 6"1, he towers over his entire family - and his muscles don't aid him in matching the petite size of his family.

PERSONALITY: Hyunshik doesn't speak up, ever. The thing with Hyunshik is that he's been taught to be quiet in the woods, at school, at home. Hyunshik never speaks up - when he does, it's usually to ask a question or - rarely - defend someone or help them out of a sticky situation. He gets to school early and studies hard, spends his afternoons in the woods chopping and carrying logs, and his evenings in the basement of his house, dancing, weight lifting and boxing. Hyunshik has a lot of repressed anger, knowing that his siblings, Hyunjin and Hyunsol, are favoured - Hyunjin has a well-paid job and Hyunsol is a respected member of Seven's government. Hyunshik swears that he'll make his parents proud, which is why he only gets about three hours sleep a night, and spends many hours a day working.

THE REAPING: Volunteered



LIFESTYLE: Hyunshik was born into a somewhat wealthy family, with his father being the head of a wood-polishing company, and his mother being an accessory designer. As a child, Hyunshik was misbehaved and often landed himself in trouble both at home and at school. At around the age of twelve, Hyunshik began to notice a shift in equality in his family home, and began to learn to keep his mouth shut. He now spends about eight hours studying, four hours working and an additional seven or eight hours working out, just so he doesn't have to engage in conversation. The one thing wanted for his thirteenth birthday was a punching bag, and a weight set for his fourteenth. Hyunshik's siblings, a highly ranked lumberjack and a political spokeman, have left no room for failure in Hyunshik's life. The pressure of his parents wanting him to do well, and the idea of being stuck in the woods of Seven forever, ultimately led to Hyunshik's decision of volunteering.

TOKEN: A tiny piece of wood, carved into the shape of a bird. He found it in the hole of a tree he was carrying, and decided to cut a hole where the eye would be so that he could thread some string through it. He doesn't know who carved it or who put it in the tree, but he wouldn't return it to the owner if they asked for it back.

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