District 11 Male - ALHISTER FIELDS

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NAME: Alhister Fields

AGE: 13

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Alhister is an average 5'3, making him rather normal when it comes to his height. He has brown hair that blends in with the dark oaks that live by his house, as well as fairly pale skin, with small freckles dotted across his face. Although he is rather scrawny, he has become quite durable against the environment.

PERSONALITY: From a distance, you would think Alhister is quiet and reserved, but he has never been one to stick to stereotypes. He is usually the one to make others smile, just with the brightness of his personality. On the downside, he becomes more noticed by the more muscular boys, leading him to be quite self-conscious. Unlike them however, he is able to learn survival and combat abilities faster. This comes to an advantage, as he can immediately pick up the fighting pattern of others.




LIFESTYLE: Unlike most families from District 11, Alhister only has himself. Yes, he is an orphan. Once a week, he goes to a neighbor's home to get some food and supplies for himself, and also works at the trading center to pay back what he receives. The majority of his time is spent in his backyard, where he has created a "training place" for himself. When he is not working, you can usually find him there.

TOKEN: A scorpion preserved in amber

Author Games: The Last CannonWhere stories live. Discover now