District 10 Male - COLTON MARKOS

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NAME: Colton Markos

AGE: 13

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Colton is small for his age. His features are soft and his blue eyes are the first thing most people notice when looking at him. His brown hair is almost always messy due to running around a lot. His skin is slightly tanned from spending so much time outdoors.

PERSONALITY: Most people when first meeting Colton would say he is a sweet and quiet boy who is very friendly but really he is sneaky and enjoys causing trouble. He is not afraid to play dirty to get what he wants and can charm his way out of anything. He is definitely someone to watch. He will use his innocent young boy looks to lull others into a false sense of security then slit their throught when they least expect it.




LIFESTYLE: He lost his parents at a young age when they were caught in a fire while he was at school. His neighbours and friend's families took pity on him and he would take turns staying with different people and stealing small amounts from the people who would take him in. He would never take enough to get noticed though and no one ever suspected that it could be the sweet young boy they allowed into their lives.

TOKEN: An old penny he found while rummaging in the ashes of his home.

Author Games: The Last CannonWhere stories live. Discover now