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NAME: Hestia Nightblossom

AGE: 17

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Although Hestia tends to think of herself as utterly beautiful, it's really just depending on your view of things. Her dark hair falls to her shoulders, a nice tone of brown, black if you like. Her wide, curious eyes are just like her hair, but more of a chocolate brown colour than a black, and they seem to sparkle in the sunlight. It seems fairly evident that Hestia never trained very hard for these Games; her arms are skinny and weak-looking, along with her legs. From a distance, Hestia seems fairly tall, but up close you can see just how short she is, the average size of a eleven-year-old at least. Her favourite makeup being eyeshadow, she tends to wear a lot of it around her eyes, using only dark colours and insisting that it went perfectly with her hair. She has slightly large lips, normally curled upwards in a small smirk. With perfectly shaped nails and a face clear of acne, some people tend to think Hestia is perfect; though it isn't really so. If you look closely, you can see the scars she bears of one harsh winter, building the home she is now living in.

PERSONALITY: If there was only one word to describe Hestia, it would most definitely be ambitious. She believes that she can do anything if she tries hard enough, which can be a good or bad trait depending on what the action is. She is rather egotistical, with a big head full of overconfidence. Nothing is impossible, according to Hestia. Vanity runs through the family, but it seemed to latch right onto Hestia, making her believe that she is the most beautiful sight ever to be seen. Being a curious young girl has made her into a slightly nosy teenager, though it isn't that bad of a case. On the good side of things, Hestia tries her hardest to be helpful, caring for the elderly and the sick constantly. She is kind and loving towards those she knows well, and is always calm even in the worst situations.

THE REAPING: Volunteered

WEAPON OF CHOICE: Throwing knives, Hestia lie best at ranged weapons and knives.


LIFESTYLE: Hestia lived in a family of seven; her parents, three younger brothers and an older sister. She lived a fine life within the confines of her fairly large house, until the day she was ten and the house was set on fire. The whole house burned to the ground, leaving the family homeless until they could build another house. It was a long, harsh winter that year, and Hestia woke up to find two of her brothers dead, their faces pale and skin that felt like ice on one freezing morning. They built their new, smaller home that winter, and Hestia now lives in it. On her 13th birthday, Hestia received a small gold ring with an opal set into the middle, and that is her token. Her parents had another child that year, a boy, and they named him Jupiter after one of her dead brothers.

TOKEN: A ring, with an opal set into the middle and tiny rubies on either side.

Author Games: The Last CannonWhere stories live. Discover now