District 3 Male - SAWYER CARDEN

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NAME: Sawyer 'Vinnie' Carden

AGE: 17

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Sawyer's not a bad looking boy, but really not what you'd likely call attractive either. He's neither tall or short truly, though if you ask his best friend Aradia she'd openly and loudly say that he's short. His build is rather thin and his skin is paler then most, though in a district such as Three such things aren't uncommon. He keeps his chocolate brown hair cut fairly short, though long enough that at times it can slightly hang over his faded blue eyes. Sawyer's face is long and narrow, with a slightly rounded chin and a large nose. His face is almost always either appearing serious or oozing sarcasm, which has caused the district to be familiar with his smirk.

PERSONALITY: While one would expect that someone in a position such as his would be strict and law-abiding, Sawyer is anything but. He's a rebel, his words ooze sarcasm and he lives for broken rules. Intelligent and resourceful, Sawyer can get himself out of many problems quite easily. He has a rather large ego however, and can end up at times being too confident. Whenever he is focused he can become oddly serious and abrasive, the littlest thing setting him off. He's an excellent liar and actor, and can trick anyone except for people who know him to thinking he's something he's not. The only problem is keeping track of his lies.


WEAPON OF CHOICE: does the element of surprise count? No? Well, Sawyer likes using his environment. No matter what he has to work with he'll strategize to use it for him to trick his opponent into either letting him escape or getting themselves killed.


LIFESTYLE: Sawyer is the son of District Three's mayor, Volte Carden. Him and his sister Della grew up much different then the other children in Three, which he's never liked. From a young age he would spend his time in the darker parts of the District, at first out of curiosity. Curiosity then grew into more, and now he spends his time when he's not working hacking into computers and doing other criminal activity under the name Vinnie Collins. The Peacekeepers would turn a blind eye whenever they saw him because he was the Mayor's son, so he could get away with anything. He kept his identity secret from everyone, including his partner-in-crime and now girlfriend who goes by the name of Aradia. To District Three he was Sawyer Carden, the Mayor's introverted son who rarely spoke. To the people who worked in the black market he was Vinnie Collins, the smart mouthed thief who never showed his face. He'd done a good job keeping those worlds separate until the Reaping.

TOKEN: A photo of him and Aradia that he always carried with him that's now faded and torn. He'd stolen it from her, and before he had to go on the train she'd written something on the back in writing he couldn't quite read. Something about luck he's guessing.

Author Games: The Last CannonWhere stories live. Discover now