District 4 Female - REN PELAGIA

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NAME: Ren Pelagia

AGE: 17

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Ren is often described as "the physical embodiment of District Four" by her boastful parents, mostly in reference to her coast-dweller looks and the muscles that hint at her years of training and hard work. Despite her darker coloring, one could never mistake her for the typical citizen of District Eleven. A single look at Ren is enough to know where she's from. Her observant green eyes seem mossy to some and oceanic to others, with Ren deciding on something in the middle. As someone who spends her time between the ocean and the training facility, Ren's hair is often pulled back and piled on top of her head. As a tall girl for her age, she has a tendency to tower over others and this adds to her slightly intimidating appearance but works well with the elegance she carries herself with. Though a beautiful girl, Ren is known to be self conscious of trivial things like her chipped front tooth or her training scars. Others say that they make her look unique but she disagrees.

PERSONALITY: Ren prefers to be an inconspicuous sort of person but it has never really worked out for her. It's more difficult to blend into the background than she expected. Independent for somebody who spends so much time around other people and shy for somebody who comes from one of the most prominent families in District Four, Ren actively tries not to be noticed. Though she knows that she's being watched by many people, Ren doesn't mind because she's watching them too; her observation skills are well developed. Though unsure at times, Ren is usually confident in herself and her abilities. This has lead her to be very hard on herself whenever she makes a mistake and because of that, her confidence does waver at times. She can be a bit intense sometimes but it's all for good reason. Despite all of this, Ren is a good person and could be considered nice for a Career-type. Serious, a bit quiet, but not unpleasant.

THE REAPING: Volunteered

WEAPON OF CHOICE: Trident and Net


LIFESTYLE: Ren is the younger of two siblings, always the "little sis" to her older brother Calder. Her parents encouraged both siblings to be the best they could from a young age and for Ren, that turned out to be best at training for the Hunger Games. Though she spent much of her time fishing with Calder, who decided that was his calling, Ren immersed herself in her training. She never felt this was good enough for her parents but others were impressed by her prowess, something that embarrassed her a little. But that was all that mattered to her with working with Calder impressing her parents, and training, even when her training became almost as intense as she did. There were other things but she focused on those three.

TOKEN: A bandana to keep her hair out of her face.

Author Games: The Last CannonWhere stories live. Discover now