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NAME: Leonadria "Puzzle" Puzorphius Rumple - [Prounounced Puzz-all. She won't let anyone utter a single vowel of her actual name]

AGE: 26 Years Of Age

SECTOR: Amethyst - Music and Art [Full guide to sectors found at @Author_Games on "The Odds" workbook]

POSITION: Director

STATUS: Gamemaking for 3 years.

SPECIALTY: If you couldn't tell - Puzzles and riddles. Puzzle works with songs and many other classical art forms in order to express her deadly creativity.

PERSONALITY: Some would say Puzzle is our right mad. A fierce social opponent, She is sly yet fierce and confident. She knows exactly how to play any game you give to her, both literal and metaphorical. With thickly layered plans, It is considered an impossible task to outsmart Puzzle... and if you ever managed to, well, that was probably her plan all along.

APPEARANCE:Portrait above

Author Games: The Last CannonWhere stories live. Discover now