District 1 Female - COSMO CAVALLI [1]

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NAME: Cosmo Cavalli

AGE: 18

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Since so much of Cosmo's life is dominated by her appearance, she works hard to ensure she always looks perfect. Her golden blonde hair falls in perfectly crafted messy waves, ending just below her chest. She is often seen flicking it off her shoulders in the most dramatic way possible. Her dark blue eyes aren't the most unique thing about her, but she manipulates makeup to give them a special pop. Her plump lips are usually curled into a seductive smirk rather than a smile, and she has never been seen without some varying shade of lipstick. While her signature color is bright red, she has been known to wear orange or deep red. While she doesn't train, Cosmo works hard on her figure. Her thin body is disrupted only by tantalizing curves. With an ample chest and toned bottom, Cosmo is without a doubt a favorite at The Palace. However, it is the freckle that lies above her upper lip that is the most memorable and well known thing about her.

PERSONALITY: At first glance, it's easy to mistake Cosmo for a stereotypical girl from One. She appears to always be laughing and gossiping with a gaggle of her closest friends. While the district's perception of her is completely off, it's exactly what she wants it to be. In reality, she doesn't have any friends, just admirers and followers. There is really only one person in this world Cosmo Cavalli cares about; herself. Everything Cosmo does is for her own benefit. She knows exactly what she wants and will do anything to get it. She is a master at manipulating people. Lying and deception are just every day words to describe her. Of course, most people see her as a bubbly pocket of joy because that's what she wants them to think. She isn't afraid to seduce one moment, and slit a throat the next, as long as in the end, she get's what she wants. The art of manipulation has become so ingrained within her, it's almost a game now.

THE REAPING: Volunteered

WEAPON OF CHOICE: Blowgun with poison darts


LIFESTYLE: Cosmo just wants to have fun in life. Whether that means falling into a frenzy of alcohol with her admirers or showing herself off for the local boys, anything she does is guaranteed to be fun. However, the most important thing in her life is her job. She has worked at Caesar's Palace for over a year now, and has never enjoyed anything more. When she was just six, she snuck into the Palace after she noticed her father repeatedly going in. She knew then that she wanted to be among the alluring and scantily clad women that worked there. Being an exotic dancer is something she excels at and she hopes to take her skill to the Capitol one day.

TOKEN: A tube of Manic Panic, her favorite bright red shade of Luscious Lips.

Author Games: The Last CannonWhere stories live. Discover now