District 5 Female - PETRA CALYPSO

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NAME: Petra Calypso

AGE: 12

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: She maybe small, but she puts up a fight. Standing at 5'1 Petra is what you might call, a long shot. She has crystal blue eyes that match her blue charm bracelet that she got from her best friend. She has brown hair and it is always put into a ponytail and her front strands of hair are pulled back and braided, she likes to keep things easy. People have always admired her long brown hair because it wasn't the typical red headed way of things. She has tattered clothing and always has her famous navy boots on. Her body is what it should be as a 12 year old, flat. Flat as a pancake. Petra never really liked that. She looked at all the other tributes who were beautiful, typically the eighteen year olds and never thought of herself like that, but she would grow it to that. Right?

PERSONALITY: A rebel. Petra is and always has been a rebel. For example, when one kid Lydia Frye-Ginsburg took her sandwich at her first day of school she may have punched her square in the jaw. Her sweet innocent look is the opposite of her personality. She is what you may call, too confident. Her cockiness has gotten her into a few problems and mistakes. She always speaks her mind and doesn't like to be put into situations she can't control and if she is she will do anything to get out of it. Even if it means killing someone.

THE REAPING: Volunteered



LIFESTYLE: As cocky and annoying as she mind sound, she had a tough time growing up. She was an only child and she only got to know one parent, if you can call him that. Her dad was mean. He always used to tell her how she was nothing like her mother. He said her mother was charming, funny, beautiful, and talented. How could Petra live in the shadow of someone who was already dead? Maybe that's why she's so annoying. She makes up all that annoyingness because she needed to be different, but in her own way.

TOKEN: Her charm bracelet she got from her best friend. It's really the only person who cared about her. Her bracelet was made to look like blue wiring. On the front it said Missy.

Author Games: The Last CannonWhere stories live. Discover now