District 4 Female - NAERISSA MERIDIAN

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NAME: Naerissa Meridian

AGE: 18

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Given that Naerissa has fit the description of narcissistic since birth - even her name is derived from the very word - it's no surprise that she's beautiful in the most simple of ways, and she knows it. With delicate features and angles in all of the right places, she can't remember a day in her life that she hasn't received some form of compliment, even if it's only coming from her mother. As tall as she is stunning, she carries herself as the picture of grace and elegance, though the toned muscles just barely seen beneath her tightest clothing are the first sign that looking pretty - though a mastered skill - is not all she is good at, though her sultry green eyes are often her most lethal weapon when it comes to manipulating a certain kind of tribute. From years of living in the southernmost part of Four, Naerissa should have a healthy, sunkissed glow all year round, but this is only true of the naturally bleached streaks of white lacing their way through blonde hair that's seemingly always knotted into tight curls, thanks to an omnipresent sea breeze. Rather than a golden tan, her pale complexion only ever seems to redden in the sun and never quite burns, leaving her cheeks a pleasant pink in the height of summer.

PERSONALITY: If a single word could encompass the whole of Naerissa's being, that word would be 'argumentative'. Ever bored from uneventful days at the docks, there's nothing she loves more than picking fights in order to get what she wants. Being of above average intelligence, she uses the knowledge she has in a way that's mostly effective for her and frustrating for everyone else. Somewhere between picking up a weapon for the first time and learning how to flutter her eyelashes in exactly the right way has resulted in a thirst to prey on aggressive idiots and years' worth of being declared innocent or even compensated for being attacked by the people she can get a reaction out of. It's not quite an official profession, but she's picked up a few extra coins and perks from pushing all the buttons of all the right people and coming out of it looking like the victim - with the help of a few fake tears, of course. Somehow, they never think to blame the pretty ones.

THE REAPING: Volunteered

WEAPON OF CHOICE: A spear, though a trident would be her second choice.


LIFESTYLE: Naerissa is now the only child of one of Four's more wealthy families, though none are particularly worse for wear. Ever since she was little, her father took her and her older brother out to sea with him daily, being the captain of a particularly profitable fishing fleet in the south of the district, though her mother soon put an end to this tradition when a malicious storm claimed the life of their son and gravely injured Naerissa's father. Ever since the death of her brother when she was barely six years old, Naerissa has been doted on by her often overbearing mother. In her mother's eyes, she can do no wrong and as a result has frequently been pampered with material gifts that would be better spent on feeding the small family. As a result of this, Naerissa has rarely gone without something she wants and has little understanding of a world in which she is not the centre of attention. Despite her dominance in the family hierarchy, she has never quite forgotten the face of her brother struggling against a deadly tide and has since developed a fear of drowning rather than a fear of water. After all, no one would survive a day in Four if they weren't willing to swim or sail on an hourly basis, which her job at the docks depends on.

TOKEN: A necklace with a small vial attached to it, given to her at birth, which contains only a few drops of the same sea water she was christened with, as is tradition in Four.

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