District 12 Male - FLORIS BARRINGER [8]

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NAME: Floris Barringer

AGE: 17

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Considered handsome by some, considered plain by others. No matter how you look at him, it can't escape you that Floris doesn't have the typical District 12 look. His hair is too brown, his eyes are too not-grey, and quite frankly, his teeth are too straight. You won't see this often, however, as Floris is usually covered in an almost permanent layer of dust from the mines. He is tall and muscled, though not extremely so in both departments. His skin is still tanned from the days he used to spend outside, but now that he's begun working this pale is fading rapidly. He has a kind smile but looks relatively serious most of the time, even if he's just faking it.

PERSONALITY: Growing up in poverty has taught Floris a thing or two, the most important thing being to look out and care for his family. As the oldest of five, he has always had a strong sense of responsibility, and he is willing to do anything for his siblings, even if he doesn't always let this show much. Despite the rough conditions he faces every day, Floris is to some extent quite care-free. He walks through town, seemingly without a care in the world, and refuses to let the dim spirits in the mines get him down. He is witty and at times sarcastic, but this says nothing about the honesty and kindness he possesses. This doesn't mean he'll trust everybody, however. He has seen more than enough to realize not everybody can be trusted, but once you've made the cut you will have found yourself a loyal friend.




LIFESTYLE: Floris and his family live in the poorer part of the already poor District. Growing up, he always saw how hard his parents had to work to simply make ends meet, and once he was old enough to work in the mines he didn't know how quickly he had to sign up. His mother had always been prone to diseases, and of late she's become weak and unable to work or look after the kids. So, before going to work, Floris helps the little ones get dressed and makes breakfast for the lot of them. After coming home, he will see to it that they all do their homework and go to bed on time. His mother's inability to work forced Floris' dad to take up an extra job even after the mine closes, meaning he often doesn't even come home all week. And when he does come home in the weekends, he's often too tired to do much. The weight of being the caretaker of the family is hard on Floris, but time to think about how it could be different isn't available. Floris is content with how is life is going and happy to help whenever he can.

TOKEN: One day, one of the little kids came home with a marble he'd stolen from the mayor's son. Floris confiscated it and made sure his sibling had learned his lesson, but he never returned the item to its rightful owner. Instead, he keeps it as a reminder of what he is working so hard for and why it is he keeps going.

Author Games: The Last CannonWhere stories live. Discover now