TASK FOUR: Pretty Little Liars

451 16 18


Five young faces fill the night sky as the moon rises on the second night. When sun rises tomorrow, a new day begins and new horrors will emerge.

District 3 Female - SOPHIE O'CONNER - chloelouisewoolley

District 8 Male - AEDLIE TRELLIS - findingmyatlantis

District 8 Female - GRACIELA ROSE COTTON - Clove_Thenardier [6]

District 9 Female - AMIRA CERES - Squad53

District 11 Male - ZACHARY HOLNES - ally_oshea_xoxo

"So that's all four of the District Eight tributes and the District Nine!" Xavier calls to the audience as the faces and stats of each of them appear on the holograph behind him.

Back in the Gamamkers room, Malum raises his eyebrows at Puzzle. She's not sure if he's dissatisfied or pleased with the amount that have died as of yet.

"We've got some smart ones..." She replies to his crafty silence and playfully shrugs her shoulders. The Gamemakers circle before her suddenly lights up and Athena squeals with happiness all of a sudden. She jumps up from her seat and rushes over to the middle and watches as small dots begin to randomly glow around the arena.

"Smart ones you think?" She smirks. "We'll see about that..." She continues and looks over her shoulder at the Head Gamemaker and the Director.

"After all..." She continues and looks back at the glowing dots around the entire place. More and more of them begin to pop up until soon the entire arena is covered. "A wall of intelligence is easily seduced."



Welcome to task four where beauty is pain! If you're not too good at writing action but can work your way around descriptive text, this is the task for you. You may now leave your area and travel anywhere in the arena and meet any one of the tributes left alive. The task itself, however, you must come across a flower entirely of your own creation. I want to be able to picture this flower so vividly that I could draw it perfectly from your entry. Your tribute must also be affected by this flower in some way that puts you at risk.

The side effects of the flower, and how these side effects occur (Eat, smell, touch etc) are all completely up to you. The only requirement is that it just kind of really needs to be a plant. Be creative.


For this task up to four people can die in your entry. You can see this happen or hear of it or whatever, but you don't have to kill anyone at all. However you do HAVE to give one ballot, two ballots if you're ranked or three ballots if you're sponsored.

The rule continues. When you kill someone in your entry, you HAVE to state what district they're from and their sex at the least. Tributes arena clothes have their districts on their shoulders and their backs, use this to tell their District if you must. If you don't say their District and gender or their name, I WILL NOT count the death. I will not count the death also, if you don't post a list at the end of your entry.


Casimir and Castiel Lyons, you two are sponsored for this task. You must show yourselves in the entry getting a sponsor gift of some sort, or else your post-task benefits won't come into play. On top of this, each sponsored tribute gets a special gift on their appropriate task. On this task, you two recieve a private prize.

Contact me regarding this!


The deadline for this task is the 29th June 2015, 10PM [GMT]

For this task, you have NO word limit. HOWEVER, If I get bored I will stop reading after 1000 words. So be smart.

You must hand in your completed entry to Jackwardsauthorgames@gmail.com

No one is safe.

Good luck ;)

Author Games: The Last CannonWhere stories live. Discover now