District 8 Female - ARACHNE PERL [4]

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NAME: Arachne Purl

AGE: 18

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Arachne is a patchwork. She has her mother's grey eyes, her father's curly black hair. She has her grandmother Lacey's straight, small nose, and her grandpa Stitch's odd ears, that curve slightly away from her head. Yes, Arachne is a patchwork, and she hates it. Nothing about her is special and unique. No matter what she sees in the mirror, she can pinpoint exactly what relative she got it from, all the way down to her pudgy fingers and short stature (curtesy of grandma Lachesis.) Arachne wants very badly to stand out, and so she tries to draw attention to herself by wearing brightly colored strips of fabric in her hair. Unfortunately, the rest of her is so plain and so much like everyone else in her uncomfortably large family that her attempts never do much good.

PERSONALITY: Arachne is a gentle soul and more than a little shy. She doesn't want to be, in fact, she wishes she were the opposite. Arachne wants to be bold, she wants to stand out. The Purl family has a history of mediocrity, and Arachne wishes more than anything to be the one to break that. But that's kind of a difficult goal when you're scared of your own shadow, and when it takes all your courage to bring your voice above a whisper.

Arachne's not an idiot. She's actually exceptionally bright, with inventive ideas and an imagination that could create masterpieces, but again, her biggest obstacle is herself.

THE REAPING: Volunteered

WEAPON OF CHOICE: Darts. They're like needles, and Arachne's comfortable with needles.


LIFESTYLE: Arachne is caught somewhere in the middle of a household of seventeen, and it's definitely had an effect on her. More than anything Arachne wan't to be noticed, but when she's nowhere near as pretty as her three older cousins, not as talented as her younger sister, and not as smart as her two younger brothers, standing out is hard to do. Especially when you're too afraid to speak up. Mostly, she just tries to make it through the day without being trampled.

Arachne is closest to her mother, who she spends her day making tapestries with. When she was younger, Arachne used to love going into town with her father to sell the tapestries, but now that they live in a tiny house with their extended family, Arachne's had enough of crowds.

Arachne is reserved, and scared of basically everything that comes her way, especially spiders. In hindsight, Volunteering for the Games when she has more phobias than she can count wasn't really Arachne's best choice. But for once in her life, she just wanted to stand out. Of course, she just so happened to wind up in the Games with twice the number of tributes.

TOKEN: A brightly colored ribbon to tie in her hair. She's got twice the number of tributes to compete against, and if she's going to die, she'd like to at least be noticed.

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