TASK TWO: Female Entries

416 20 14

District 1 Female - COSMO CAVALLI [1]

As I slip another coat of Manic Panic on and look around the bursting circle of anxiety ridden teenagers, I realize the true weight on my alliance. There were more than a dozen of us, legs bent, teeth snarling in an attempt to intimidate the others. It's pathetic really, to see how bad they were at masking their fear.

I slip the lipstick back into my boot. My alliance, it's just like lipstick. Though I could technically thrive without the bright red color, it adds something. Though I don't need it, I can use it to my advantage. I curl my lips into a smirk, knowing my alliance was just the same. I didn't need them. My image did.

There is a certain, stifling heat that fills the center of the arena. It's enough to cause perspiration to build up on my forehead, threatening to wash away the makeup I worked so hard to keep on. Pluto said it wasn't smart, but what does he honestly know? He wouldn't even let me please him, so filled with fear of his wife.

I keep him in mind as I shoot a seductive smirk into the countdown clock. I grasp the zipper of my jacket, pulled all the way up to my neck. I slip the zipper down, just low enough to show off a healthy amount of cleavage. It would not only distract the younger ones, but ensure more Capital citizens would throw their money in my direction.

As the countdown clock slowly eases it's way down to ten second remaining, I ready myself. I can see Casimir glancing over at me every few second. The success in my first experiment causes pride to bubble in my chest. He was so easy to deceive. Still, he was quite passionate with his use of his tongue and it was impressive. He was definitely one of more delectable members of the alliance. As much as I want to catch Samus' eye, I resist. I focus my eyes on the expansive mass of weapons in front of me.

When the cannon explodes into the sky, I stay fixed on my platform, watching the show unfold. It's a risky move, but anyone who could potentially be a threat was far away from me. The ones who don't want to risk death dart into the forest behind me.

I watch as a girl, the one who oozes confidence and probably shouldn't.  She attempts to be confident as she races to the metal structure filled to the brim with weapons. She is so absorbed in her actions, that she doesn't notice Valeria approach her from behind. It's such a graceful attack; Val grips Bailey's neck, snapping it back as she drags the blade across her neck. The girl's body drops, her blood painting the glimmering grass a magnificent red color. I watch her neck as her body convulses, the bright red pairing beautifully with her olive skin. Blood red lipstick tries so hard to be authentic, but seeing it in the flesh, it falls short. It's truly a masterpiece. 

Valeria sneers up at me, holding out her blade. "Are you going to do anything or are you just going to stand there and look pretty?" I flick a chunk of hair off my shoulders, sauntering off the platform.

"Why would I do anything when you're doing all the work for me?" I wink at her, watching as Casimir battles it out with Remus. He has a nervous look in his eye, caught between wanting to fight and wanting to hide. It's a pity, really. I step over Petra to get a better view. Their body is mangled, their entrails spilling out of their stomach. Castiel grunts from beside me, but it's just enough. Casimir looks over, searching for his brother. Remus takes advantage, throwing Casimir to the ground. He cries out, weighed down by the sword at his neck. 

I try and tell myself it's better this way, to let him die. But he could be a good asset, if I could get him to trust me. Without a second thought, I rush over, snatching a rock from the ground as I smash it into Remus' head. He drops his sword, rolling off Casimir in pain. 

I grab a mace, clutched in the hands of a wide eyed girl. There are no obvious wounds on her body, but her skin is a pale green color. I raise the mace above my head, but Remus grabs my ankle, causing the mace to fly from my hands. I slam into the dirt, gasping as my head hits the ground. Remus stands above me, his sword raised. He brings it down, but I dodge it, smashing into his hips as I try tackle him. He stays in place, laughing slightly as I tumble away from him. I try and scramble away, tripping over Colton's bloody body.

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