District 6 Female - GEORGINA TRAINE

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NAME: Georgina Traine

AGE: 15

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Georgina has simple yet delicate features. Her chestnut hair was originally straight, yet for some unknown reason curls formed at the tips, just ending below her ribcage. Icy blue eyes that always appear gray when in a distance crinkle up when she's smiling, and her thin pink lips crook up on one side, creating an uneven angle on her small face. Her skin is quite pale, having worked inside factories and being unable to enjoy the sun outside, and it makes her light gray freckles seem more noticeable.

PERSONALITY: Innocent features do not always mean innocence. Strong-willed, Georgina tends to stand up to what she believes is right, albeit in a controlled and quiet manner. Her brain-to-mouth flter does not always work, as she is constantly seen voicing her thoughts out as soon as she had thought of it. At times she would surprise other people by suddenly opposing to something that they'd thought she had agreed on. Technically, she's stubborn, but she doesn't agree too that, either.


WEAPON OF CHOICE: She'd rather use a whip, as she's used to handling her family's very few and rather hard-earned animals.


LIFESTYLE: Georgina wakes up to trains' wheels scratching the railings and sleeps when they finally stop. She's very used to noise, she thinks her ears won't work in the Games. She's the eldest child in a family of four, brought up by parents who strongly believed that thoughts not voiced out are worthless, but that she must learn how to say them politely. A noisy District and a noisy family - the two factors Georgina's life had only consisted . . . until now, that is.

TOKEN: She found a dollar bill. Not knowing what it was, she usually stashes it inside her factory uniform's breast pocket.

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