TASK TWO: Male Entries

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District 1 Male - CASIMIR LYONS

Being the older sibling often causes hardship in life, especially growing up in District One. Being the first born was frightening. However, when Castiel was born into the world he broke the rules. He made us brothers; siblings for life.  Yet in District One, you don't often you find siblings in amongst the population. Parents want to groom one child, to focus on erasing their emotions in preparation for the games. However, two children make problems. They make connections and bond. They stop becoming monsters. Instead, they become vulnerable.  

Despite this, Castiel and I grew up as brothers. The days were we use to run through the markets of the Golden Arches were the fondest of them all. It was a place of wonder and luxury rooted in the richest part of the District. Its dazzling walls have an almost alluring shimmer to them which attracted all sorts of visitors from simple citizens to the District's finest celebrities. 

There, we ran as if we were free. The fear somehow shed away as the gentle breeze pushed around us.  However, during the busiest day of the year, the fear won. I lost him in the crowd of hungry buyers and, for that split second, I lost everything. I watched his radiant blonde locks moved swiftly in amongst the sea of colour until he could no longer be seen. Being separated for only a matter of seconds provided clarity. I let love destroyed me. I let half my heart crumble as we separated. 

Those feelings rise to the surface once more.  For the first time since we were little, I feel we are truly separated. Only by the few centimetres of thick earth, but it was enough to send a spiralling feeling of nervousness to the pit of my stomach.  Combined with the darkness that ensnares the launching tubes, I am sent into a complete blind panic.  I manage to seek comfort in the almost sweetened breeze that passes through my nostrils. It's nature like smell soothing the growing fear aching from my stomach.

The platform eventually rises into place and with it comes the most breathtaking yet deadly sight of them all. The whole arena is separated into polar opposites. To the west lies a barren landscape covered in a thin sheet of snow which, the further you look out, thickens into an impenetrable wall of ice.  In contrast with that lies a vibrant, life-like jungle inhabited with a variety of shrubbery and blooming flowers to the east. 

 I take one lasting glimpse towards each side before focusing on the stretch of land in front.The path towards the cornucopia is bursting with seedlings and trees. their precise layout leading several paths to where the cornucopia lies. The swarm of thick branches above, each with leaves sparkling a different colour than the rest, shields the first few yards around the cornucopia in a dome of gleaming colour. 

I'm almost taken away by the whole arena but, as my eyes linger towards the shimmering lake veering to the left, a small device somehow breaks through the cloudless sky and takes my attention. Its loud melody radiates through the air landing harshly against my ears.  I shake my head gently, trying to get rid of the ringing sensation. The noise finally quietens, but as I look towards the device, its flashing timer had already reared down to the last ten seconds.

For those ten seconds, time appeared to  slow down. I look over towards Cosmo who, without even trying, sparkles in the light. Both her bright eyes and matte lips repel the rays; causing any drifting eyes to easily fixate on her. She notices me looking and with her seductive smirk, she winks towards me.  I feel my heart whimper at the sight of her beauty. I take a lasting glance towards her before turning back to the center. The gong's metallic ringing suddenly erupts through the arena and with a surge of adrenaline; I fly into the air.

I glimpse quickly to my left and right before bolting down towards the horn. I manage to avoid the initial outbursts of fighting but as I pass Cosmo strangling a boy on the ground, I feel myself falling clumsily towards the ground. My eyes hazily look across the ground, unearthing a hidden branch sticking from the plush grass. However, with Cosmo's violent thrashing only metres away, it makes it almost impossible to focus.

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