District 1 Male - CASTIEL LYONS

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NAME: Castiel Lyons

AGE: 17

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Incredibly soft characteristics rule Cass' facial appearance. His features are very tight and compact, small eyes leading to a strangely perfectly rectangular nose, of what is dusted lightly with faded freckles. His uncommonly soft hair is cropped around the sides and at the back, but the thick bulk of it remains atop of his head in uncontrolled, silk-like waves. Following this, his green eyes are cloudy enough that they can often seem the same colour as his dark, golden hair. With pale olive skin, the handsome tribute has a height of six foot and cultivates a toned, statuesque body.

PERSONALITY: Castiel's personality is dominated mostly by his training. He socialises as he fights, cautious but unforgettable. On first look, the boy appears completely quiet and reserved, displaying the contrary of what a typical District One tribute would provide. A strategist over a warrior, Castiel will always look for the smartest and most unthinkable approach, constantly thinking three steps ahead of everyone else, though is afraid of taking risks. Beneath his silence, he treasures great leadership qualities; the boy has dedicated his entire life to ultimate survival, dedication, determination and unwavering resilience fall naturally to this Career. Although, In terms of confidence in a group, Cass prefers to sit back and analyse the company before him to his hearts content. Naive and not entirely soiled, underneath the steel and rose vines of a barrier, he can be excitable and ambitious.


WEAPON OF CHOICE: Deer Horn Knives


LIFESTYLE: The Lyons live an average life for District One residents, which is still far richer than the Mayors of most areas. The family is a small one with two parents, Castiel and his older brother. As was commanded of them, the two of them joined the academy at typical early ages and have grown together as shield brothers, perhaps even falling apart a little as biological relatives. The parents of the family are strict, but it is clear the Mother wildly favours Cass where the father invests his in the elder of the two, though with a little less attention.

TOKEN: The engagement ring his father gave to his mother.

Author Games: The Last CannonWhere stories live. Discover now