TASK FOUR: Male Entries

163 11 3

District 1 Male - CASIMIR LYONS

Beauty can be a lot of things depending on who that person is.

Beauty can be pain,

Beauty can be fake and hollow,

Beauty can be a mask to hide your horrid personality,

However to pass all stereotypes that we see, the hidden secret of beauty lurks;

Sometimes, beauty can be deadly.

Normally back home, in the last few moments before the blaring sun disappeared, Castiel and I used watch the cluster of light fade into the darkness. The shimmering sheet of stars would replace the ombré of colour that trailed behind by falling sun. I look towards the ground, not to see the roof underneath my feet, but the jungle's dirt flooring. I sigh loudly, although not too loud to alert the others, at the thought of home. I lie against what I presume to be an oak tree, unable to shake the uneasy feeling at the sight of the stars dispersing across the sky through the small pockets in the foliage above.

Just another sign that I'm not home.

I look across the clearing for a distraction and find Castiel staring into Cosmo's eyes. I can't help feel the jealousy that courses through my blood at the sight of his affection.

After all, I was the brother who'd get the girl.

Cosmo's usual hair flick catches my attention and for the seconds that our eyes meet across the clearing, it was as if she stopped my heart. She flashes her seductive smile towards me before pointing towards the starry sky. At first, I'm confused at her elegant hand hovering in the air but as my eyes follow her hand's direction I see a small parcel peeling through the canopy.

Attached to the very top is a tiny parachute that, because of the swaying breeze, is trapped in the cluster of branches. I climb to my feet, using the tree as support, and begin to climb towards it. My feet are only a few metres off the ground when my fingertips graze the parachute soft fabric. With a gentle tug, I am able to push the shoot through the labyrinth of branches. As I climb towards the ground I've somehow caught attention from the others. Cosmo and Castiel surround the tree base, both showing excitement over the parcel's content.

I manage to unclip the side to find a small attachment lying perfectly still in the center. The moonlight above shines faintly down on the gift causing the silver edge to gleam ever so slightly. I look around the box to see a note pocket from underneath.

When in doubt head north,

And try not to get killed,


With pulling the contraption from the box a tidal wave of homesickness hovers over me. For the first time, I don't want to be in the games. However, as I'm surrounded by what seems to be all the remaining career tributes I stop myself from allowing the emotion to show.

Emotions are weak to a careerer after all.

Just as I go to shuffle the machinery in my hand, my pocket watch falls from its firm place in my pocket. I drop to my knees, picking it up in a gentle scoop when the thought hits me. I open the pocket watch to find a small latch at the very top. Popping it open the watch face falls away into the river of fabric below it. I delicately push the small metal contraption into the space and with a reassuring click the small pointer zooms in a circle, stopping whilst pointing towards the cornucopia.

"What is it?" Castiel asks, his face staring in a childish awe.

"A compass" I reply.

A gentle wave of whispers fill the air but even with the excitement of a new advantage the fatigue soon reins over. I manage to slump against the tree against only this time the fatigue guiding my eyes shut. I take in the stars one last time before drifting into a deep slumber.

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