𝟎𝟎 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞

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this is going to be bad and cringe so bear with me


Laughter filled the room as he mocked the miniature painting you made of him while you sat there mumbling about how this was bullying. On the small canvas, there was a single stick figure with a few purple lines coming out of its head, it had a grey t-shirt outline over where its chest would be.

"Stop laughing! You only gave me a minute to make it, so I didn't try." You lightly slapped his arm.

"Sure sure of course" he snickered

"If you don't shut up I'm gonna hit you, I hate you sometimes."

"Hah liar" he had a smug smile on his face

You rolled your eyes at him and tackled him onto the bed so you laid on top of him, playfully punching him in the chest.

"ouch ouch ok ok I'm done" he smiled genuinely while he still laughed a little, raising his hands surrendering.

"That's what I thought" you har-har-ed (idk how to spell that) triumphantly and laid down on him. You guys laid like that for a few minutes comfortably in silence.

Until you spoke up


That was 20 minutes ago

You now sat there on the bed sniffling and rubbing dry tears off your face. You felt furious, you've always had a temper. Something in common you had with him.

How could he not understand? He knew everything you've been through and how much you deserved to be happy. Sure this wasn't easy for you either but you knew this was what was best for you and your future. You couldn't move or think properly anymore, he meant so much to you and you to him, or so you thought.

Somehow he walked out just like that, you sit there, replaying what happened.


You sat up off him and moved over to give him some space, he looked up at you confused, with that same smile that you loved, that same smile that only you could cause.

"I'm going to move to Liyue in about a week." You confessed. You begin to think about a few things you still need to pack.

He immediately sat up and his smile faltered just a little.


You repeated yourself, "I'm gonna move to Liyue". You shifted your legs crossed awkwardly "I'm gonna go live with my cousin Beidou."

You looked down at your fluffy socks and started picking at them where little pieces of fuzz were falling off.

"You're kidding?"


He stayed silent for a few moments, processing, he sat up straighter and look you in the eye, his brow furrowed and he look slightly annoyed. "No, you're not."

"Yes, I am?" You stared back confused

"Why are you leaving?" He questioned, raising his voice a bit.

"What do you mean why? You know how my family is, I can't keep living like this with them. Not anymore, Beidou said she'd take me in if I need help the next time she comes to Inazuma." You thought about your cousin Beidou, you've only met a few times and at family events but you talked with her online a lot and she was always very sympathetic to your situation.

"I've already told you, if you need somewhere to stay you can come with me"

"You know Ei doesn't like me, she won't let me" You were starting to get a little irritated

why couldn't he just be happy for you?

You were finally getting out of your mother's controlling grasp.

"I don't care, you can just hide in my room" He scoffed

"Absolutely not! I don't want to hide away like that, and I could go to jail for trespassing if she caught me!"

"So you're just gonna leave? Just like that? You seem like you're ready to just up and leave everything you have here." He was starting to get pissed but so were you.

"I'm not gonna leave you, we can make it work! I don't wanna leave you!" You reached for his hand and held it for a moment "We can make this work, I want to" He snatched his hand out of your grasp and stood up from the bed.

"You're just gonna leave like everyone else!" He was yelling at this point, you sat there speechless on the bed, legs hanging off the edge

How did this escalate so quickly?

You got up and tried to reach for him to try and calm him down but he was already shoving his phone in his pocket and walking out of your room.

You were stunned.

You did not want this to end just like that.

You wanted to race after him and explain that that wasn't what you meant or wanted and talk about how you could make this work, how you could be happy together still. But your frustration got the best of you and you yelled out.


The front door slammed shut and you heard the lamp near the door rattle slightly. A moment late you listened to a car door open and shut and the soft grumble of the car starting. You immediately jumped on your bed and peered out the window above it which viewed the driveway. You saw his car pull off the pavement of your house and drive out on the street. You collapsed onto the bed and sat at the end with your feet hanging off, looking at one of the necklaces he left on the shelf. You cried.


You continued to sit there on the bed, you had begun to cry again, thinking about how insensitive you were to how he felt, he was your boyfriend after all, and parting like that would be painful. You sat there and silently sobbed into your hands as exhausting tears ran down your cheek and onto your sweater, his sweater.

After a few minutes your removed your face from your hands and began to pick at your fingers and then your bracelet, not knowing what to do you mindlessly spun the square charm that had a purple S engraved and painted into it, next to the rushed painting of the person who made you the happiest you've ever been.

You collapsed onto your back and slept.


end of prologue

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