𝟒𝟐 𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐞

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"What do you mean stalked?"

"What do you think stalked means?" I stared at her deadpan.

"Ugh, never mind." Hu Tao rolled her eyes, "did you see what they looked like?"

"Not exactly, I think they had blonde hair though."

Hu Tao's expression shifted a little, she seemed a little concerned but quickly replaced it with a smile.

"Well, don't you worry about that weird blondie, Y/n! I'll protect you!" She walked out from behind the counter and wrapped me in a hug, "Thanks for visiting by the way! I was so bored, Mr. Zhongli is so boring and old-fashioned."

"Mr. Zhongli?" I was a little confused because he was our teacher, "he works here?"

"Oh yes! He's a part-time consultant, here let me get him!" Hu Tao skipped out of the room behind another door before I could respond.

'Alright then...'

In the meantime, while Hu Tao was away, I explored the entry room. It had a reception desk, a couple of couches, and a coffee table, and the walls were filled with promotional discounts, some of which made no sense at all.

Buy one get one free funeral service!

'Who just has two people in need of a funeral at the same time?' I couldn't help but chuckle a little at Hu Tao's attempts at bringing in business. Her methods were quite unorthodox but at least she was trying.

The door opened and out walked a gleeful Hu Tao and my seemingly pleased teacher.

"We're back~" Hu Tao announced

"Hello, Y/n, pleasure to see you again." Mr. Zhongli's rich and deep voice spoke. It always startled me momentarily when he first spoke.

"Hi Mr. Zhongli," I was a little more nervous speaking to him for the first time as Xiao's girlfriend if Xiao had even informed him of our relationship yet. "It's nice seeing you again too."

"Please Y/n, outside of school it is just Zhongli." Zhongli insisted with an amused smile as my embarrassment increased.

"So, what's your business here?" Zhongli inquired

"Hu Tao invited me." I said simply and took a seat on a nearby couch, Zhongli walked over and joined me.

"Well, it's a great opportunity for me to talk to you,"

'Oh shit'

"It's about my son, Xiao."

I was internally panicking, I was unsure if Zhongli would approve of Xiao and Kuni's agreement and relationship with me. If he didn't, going to class would be a whole lot worse.

'What if he makes Xiao leave me? Or never talks to me again?'

"He seems to have taken a liking to you."


"What?" I was visibly confused and Zhongli chuckled.

"I believe he has a crush on you, Xiao speaks quite fondly of you and gets flustered at the mention of your presence."

I don't think Zhongli understands how much he's embarrassing his own son. Suddenly, Hu Tao started cackling.

"Ha! Xiao is that nervous talking about his own girlfriend? Aww~ Y/n he must really love you!" Hu Tao skipped over to me and took a seat on the chair in front of me.

"Shush!" I hit her playfully on the arm.


'Crap, I forgot he was here.'

𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝙝𝙪𝙧𝙩 𝙢𝙚 + Scaramouche x F!Reader x XiaoWhere stories live. Discover now