𝟐𝟕 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬

359 15 32

2nd Person POV: Tuesday


"Xiao!" You called for the teal-haired boy

Xiao turned around to face you, his once annoyed face turned to a calm smile. Venti suddenly peeked around from behind him, assumingly being the cause for Xiao's annoyance.

Venti smiled at your arrival and waved. "hey! Y/n!"

"Hi, Venti!" you returned his bright smile with your own, "Hey Xiao," you reassured yourself before continuing "Can we talk real quick?" He responded with a nod and you both waved bye to Venti.

You had Xiao followed you to your empty classroom, nobody spoke during the walk because you both knew what this conversation was going to be about.

When you both reached the room, you stood awkwardly and decided to take a seat on top of your desk. Xiao didn't sit and instead stood directly in front of you, waiting for you to speak first.

"I broke up with him." You picked at your fingernails and looked down, still slightly nervous.

The short male in front of you was silently watching you. Randomly, Xiao snatched both of your hands and held them both in his own.

"Stop picking your nails, it's a bad habit."

You were a little surprised at how unfazed Xiao was, he was only a few inches away from you and holding both of your hands. Your eyes were entirely fixed on the small distance separating you both, and on his hands which gradually intertwined with yours.

Entirely entranced by this, you failed to notice Xiao's quizzical stare, confused by your sudden silence he followed your gaze.

A light chuckle came from the boy in front of you. Xiao's hands released yours and pulled you into an embrace, with his head resting on your shoulder and you burying your face into his.



Xiao pulled away and the two of you finally locked eyes directly. You could feel his gaze piercing into your soul as he searched for his own courage.

"Will you go on a date with me?"

Xiao's face flushed but he didn't look away, he reached and held your hands once more. The warmth of his hands enveloping yours made you smile as brightly as ever

Both Xiao and you wanted to take it slow, you did just go through a breakup and neither of you knew how to go about something as sudden as this.

This time, you'd do it right and gain his trust.

"Of course"

Xiao enveloped you in another hug and you rested in his arms peacefully for a few more minutes.

And then the bell rang.


Throughout the class Xiao texted you constantly about the date, he seemed slightly panicked over such a trivial thing. He asked you questions about where you wanted to go, when, what he should wear, etc.

His panicked state was adorable to you, Xiao was always comfortable with how he acted around you but you had never seen him like this. From the seat farther behind him, you could see as he bit his nails, and tapped the desk. The anxious boy was quite obviously stressing a little too much over this.

𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝙝𝙪𝙧𝙩 𝙢𝙚 + Scaramouche x F!Reader x XiaoWhere stories live. Discover now