𝟐𝟑 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝

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I was awoken from my VERY pleasant dream by a violent shaking. Groaning in protest, I was forced to open my eyes to see an annoyed Xiao and a young girl whom I never met. She had light blue hair and a gentle smile.

"Finally you're awake" Xiao scoffed and the girl smacked him on the arm, "this is Ganyu, my sister" he gestured to the girl beside him.

I yawned, "Nice to meet you," I outstretched my hand for her to shake it and she did.

"It's wonderful to meet you! Xiao talks about you a lot-" Xiao then cut her off.

"AHhem!- Ganyu, tell her why you're actually here." He glared at her and Ganyu straightened her posture and helped me up from my seat.

"Well! If you'd follow me, I'd like to take you to the student council room." I was a little surprised at first, then I was scared.

'Did I do something wrong?'

Ganyu noticed your hesitance and shook her hands frantically, "Oh! No No No, you're not in trouble Ms. Y/n, It's just Xiao has noticed your incapability to focus in class due to exhaustion and requested for intervention."

'Intervention' confused me. I wasn't an alcoholic??


"Basically we, the student council, are just going to provide you with a safe space for you to rest." Ganyu smiled gently, "We understand how hard balancing things can be, and the student council wants to help you however we can!"

I was still a little confused and looked to Xiao, he just rolled his eyes, "All you're gonna do is sleep, go with her"

With that, I followed Ganyu toward the student council office and to a small room that had 3 long, comfortable chairs with plenty of pillows and a few blankets.

Ganyu instructed me to simply lie down and rest and let me know that someone would be coming to check on me after every class period.

Xiao had also accompanied both of us and before Ganyu left, she nodded at her brother and walked out.

I lay down in a mess of pillows, Xiao grabbed a blanket and handed it to me.

Once I was comfortable Xiao sat on the floor and rested his chin in his hands on the armrest.

Xiao hesitated to speak for a moment, "Are you okay?" He seemed worried which made me glad he cared.

Then I thought about his question, 'am I really okay?'

"I don't know." I answered honestly.

It was quiet for a bit and I became sleepier and sleepier with the silence but there was one question that continuously bothered me.



"Do you like me?"


"You should sleep" Xiao tried to avoid the question. "It's not important." He stood up, preparing to leave.

It went silent again.

Xiao stopped and finally looked at me directly, "Do you?" he questioned. Xiao looked irritated yet embarrassed.

I thought for a minute and Xiao stood there, awkwardly waiting for me to say something. "I don't know." I answered honestly again. "It's complicated"

"I could tell" Xiao sighed then he walked out of the room.

3rd person pov


While Ganyu walked Xiao to class, she pestered him consistently about Y/n.

"You were so worried about her~" Ganyu teased.

"Be quiet, it's called human decency."

"It's called love," She huffed and stopped walking, "You know you like her, and she clearly feels the same! So what's the problem now?"

Xiao scoffed, "It's not that simple." He turned back around to face his sister. "She's seeing someone."

All Xiao knew about Y/n and Scaramouche's problem was that it had to do with his obvious crush on the girl. He wasn't sure if Y/n refused to see it or was just extremely oblivious. But what Xiao did know was that what Scaramouche said was wrong and that the two were definitely not on good terms.

Ganyu frowned, "Yeah but you told me yourself that it wasn't working out between them"

"Yeah, and it wasn't working because of me."

"She's still interested in you, at least take a chance on it. I'd bet that you're much better than that other guy."

"Obviously I'm better, I'll talk to her later."

Ganyu rolled her eyes and ushered Xiao into the classroom that they just arrived at.

Xiao went and took his seat while Ganyu spoke to the teacher to excuse his tardiness. She left and class went on normally.


743 Words

𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝙝𝙪𝙧𝙩 𝙢𝙚 + Scaramouche x F!Reader x XiaoWhere stories live. Discover now