𝟎𝟕 𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐝

764 18 24

Y/N Pov


You bolted out the door trying not to shove Xiao, Scaramouche quickly put the basket on the floor and caught you in his arms right before you collided with his gift.

You hugged him tightly by the neck. Ajax let out a loud hooray and then mumbled an ouch after getting smacked in the arm by Rosalyne.

You were about to pull back for Scaramouche's tight embrace but he didn't let you, you shook it off as if he missed you but what you didn't see was him staring down the boy standing at your door.

He finally let you go and you started to stumble on your words when you tried to speak. The boy in front of you just reached down and handed you the basket.

While you were occupied looking inside, Scaramouche's death stare never left Xiao's stoic eyes which never left your happy smile.

Xiao POV


I knew that he was glaring at me, but I didn't care, Y/n's smile was so bright it was almost irritating but right now it was peaceful.

I stood at the door and waited, I wasn't sure if I should leave and just talk to you tomorrow or wait out your little reunion. I eventually decided on the latter and took a seat at her doorstep.

I watched as the guy in front of Y/n knelt to make her look at him while she searched the basket in front of her.

The girl's face turned serious and the two of them spoke for a few seconds before the purple-haired boy stood up and reached out a hand to help her up which she accepted.

The guy continued to hold Y/n's hand as he walked her back up to her house carrying the basket of things.

The boy kissed her cheek after putting the gift on the floor inside and walked off to a bright red and expensive car.

Y/N finally turned to me and spoke. "Sorry about that" she looked down sheepishly.

"It's fine I wasn't here for anything that important."

She gestured inside inviting me in, I shook my head, I wasn't gonna be here long.

"No need I just came to tell you I live right around the corner and saw you on your way home. Venti and Hu Tao live nearby too."

Y/n nodded and smiled, she seemed excited by this which made me smile a tiny bit but I quickly forced it down.

What the hell?

"Anyways, we skate to school together and Hu Tao 'nominated' me to invite you to join us on our ride to and from school tomorrow" I yawned and rubbed the nape of my neck, I was asleep before this but I forgot to do this earlier so I had to come now.

"Oh, that'd be awesome!" She clapped her hands together with a big grin, "Where do you guys usually meet up at?"

"We usually group up at Venti's house since it's the closest to the school around 7:30 and just kinda hang around till we leave around 7:50."

"Ok! Which house is his?" She kept smiling which was distracting but I continued.

"He's #### like a street down from here, but Hu Tao is a few doors down from here and she'll wait for you in the morning."

We spoke for a few more minutes which then turned into her excitedly asking for my Twitter and phone number which I gave her.

We waved goodbye and I walked back to my house.



You finally went back inside the house, and you were exhausted because of the interactions you just had but yet you were so giddy that Scaramouche and Xiao had come to see you.

You were so happy, but Scaramouche noticed your puffy eyes and cut the conversation short so you could go rest.

He said he was staying with Ajax for a while until he felt like going home back with Ei.

When Xiao invited you with him and his friends you couldn't help but feel welcomed and glad that you had easily made new friends that you could get along with on your first day.

You may have been tired but now that you knew your relationship was no longer on the brink of destruction you had a newfound excitement running through you, so you grabbed the gift basket Scara had given you and brought it upstairs with you and began eating some gummy bears you found at the bottom while video calling him.

He answered almost immediately and gave you a playful glare

"Why aren't you sleeping"

"Because I'm too happy and excited to"

He laughed at that and kept trying to convince you to sleep which didn't work so you insisted him on talking with him until you got tired again which he agreed to.

You talked for a few minutes about your new school and everyone you met, he grimaced once he heard about how you skipped class with Xiao earlier but you thought nothing of it.

You propped your phone up on a box near you and eventually fell asleep. You thought about how so much happened already and it's only been a day.

Scaramouche POV


I listened to her talk about her day but got slightly annoyed when she spoke about her skipping class with that guy from earlier who I learned was named 'Xiao'.

Y/n fell asleep on the phone after a while and I watched her breathing peacefully for a few minutes more before hanging up. She had school in the morning and I didn't wanna kill her battery.

As I waited for sleep to come I thought about the guy from earlier, Xiao. The way he stared at your smile irritated me.

I'm here now, I'm not letting her go again.

He was well aware this little mishap only lasted for about a week but it hurt like she was gonna be gone forever.

Eventually, his exhaustion overpowered his thoughts and he fell asleep.



Ok. the first day is finally over. I did not spend 7 chapters on the first day🤭. OK, now that all of our important people are in one place we can finally start the actual chaos. I'll post again tomorrow!

(also if you haven't noticed I'm terrible at pov so bear with me 😞)


1057 words

𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝙝𝙪𝙧𝙩 𝙢𝙚 + Scaramouche x F!Reader x XiaoWhere stories live. Discover now