𝟑𝟖 𝐃𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠

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Kuni rolled his eyes and repeated his question.

"Are you coming or not?"

Xiao and Kuni stood impatiently at the door, waiting for me to follow them out. They were both trying to convince me to join them in ditching detention because we were all hungry.

"Hurry up Y/n." Xiao was holding both my backpack and his own to coax me out of the school.

"But what if we get caught?"

"I doubt Mrs. Minci would give a shit about us leaving, it's not like she's gonna chase after us."

"Not unless you stole a book." Xiao joked followed by Kuni who stifled a laugh.

"Fine, but if we get caught I'm blaming you two." I narrowed my eyes and pointed at them both before walking out.

After the "proposition" of a relationship with boy guys, I said yes, as any sane person would.

Kunikuzushi and Xiao still weren't on the friendliest terms but agreed to at least not fight. It seemed neither of them was willing to give up on me, which was quite flattering but I still felt a little guilty.

The three of us not-so-stealthily snuck out of the school but stopped at a corner on the street to figure out where we were even going.

"Any ideas?" They both turned to me for an answer.

"You guys brought me out here, this is your problem." I crossed my arms and waited for them to decide.

Neither of them even bothered to come up with an idea and waited for me to think of one. I let out an exasperated sigh and told them to follow me, I had an idea of what we could all go do without anybody starting an argument.

"Where are we going?" Xiao questioned.

"You'll see."

"Why don't you just tell me?" Kuni grabbed my hand to get my attention.

Xiao saw this and a vein throbbed in his forehead, then grabbed my other hand.

"Or me."

The tension between the two was malicious and threatening from both sides. I began dragging them both down the street with me to interrupt their challenging glares toward each other.

"I'm not telling either of you, now keep walking."

Both boys eventually calmed down after walking for a bit, although they continued to hold onto my hands the whole walk.

Kuni's grip on my hand was firm but soft, our fingers were intertwined as he drew small circles over one of my fingers. We use to hold hands often in public so this seemed to be second nature to him.

Xiao, on the other hand, seemed to be a little nervous and confused. His hold on my hand was different, his whole palm clasped around mine. His fingers shifted around occasionally like he wanted to adjust his hold on me or pull away.

Physical contact was something Xiao used sparingly, during the relatively short time I hung out with him as friends, he never seemed to enjoy touching or being close to anyone. We'd held hands before as friends but now Xiao was awkward and careful with his touch. It felt like he was trying to mimic Kuni's romantic actions.

I pulled my hand away from Xiao and he looked at me with guilt and confusion as if he did something wrong, I smiled brightly back and interlocked my pinky with his. I held it up so he could see and he calmed down and gave me a small smile.

(I wanted to include this because holding pinky fingers is so cute to me)

Kuni looked over at our small affection and let out a quiet huff, I could feel his grip on my hand tighten a little bit.

'How am I gonna manage these two...'

3rd Person POV


After arriving, Y/n stepped away from her two companions and stood proudly in front of the destination she brought them to.

"A convenience store?" Xiao was a little confused.

Scaramouche wasn't surprised and pulled out a credit card. "Go nuts."

Y/n took it with a thank you and scrambled off into the store in search of picnic foods, in turn, Scaramouche pulled out his phone and started a timer.

"You gonna join her?" Scaramouche asked Xiao.

"What's she even doing?" Xiao was genuinely confused but found Y/n's initial reaction cute.

Scaramouche sighed, "Y/n likes picnics, so occasionally for dates, she buys unconventional snacks for them." He laughed at a memory, "it eventually evolved into a joke about how long she takes and now I time her on it."

Xiao continued to watch in bewilderment as Y/n ran through the aisles, holding an overflowing basket with different foods. Scaramouche simply watched with a smile, enjoying the scene.

About a minute later, Y/n finished and ran to the cashier and placed the basket on the counter for check out. She turned to Scaramouche who stopped the timer and showed her the phone.


Y/n whines about not beating her record but proceeded to buy the food with Scaramouche's card. She handed one bag of food to each boy and gave the receipt to Scaramouche on the way out.

"Y/n how the fuck did you manage to spend $28 on just candy alone?" He asked, looking over the receipt.

"I blame inflation." Y/n shrugged in response while leading Scaramouche and Xiao to a spot in a park, it was the same park Y/n and Xiao had gone to together when Childe kidnapped the former.

Y/n sat under a shady tree on a patch of grass, Scaramouche took a seat on her right while Xiao sat on her left. Y/n dug into the bags and started pulling food out.

The lunch consisted of a collection of fruits, some packaged sandwiches, chips, and a frightening variety of candy.


"Y/n this looks like an invitation to diabetes." Scaramouche gestured to the pile of candy and chips.

"Shut up I couldn't decide."

"That seems quite common based on recent events." Scaramouche half-joked and Y/n shot him a quick glare before turning back to the food.

Xiao sat quietly, confused about how Y/n managed to grab all of this in a minute and a half.


1021 words

𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝙝𝙪𝙧𝙩 𝙢𝙚 + Scaramouche x F!Reader x XiaoWhere stories live. Discover now