𝟎𝟒 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬

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The two of you had slipped out the main gate and you dragged him along by the wrist, you stopped pulling him with you once you were about a block away from the high school.

"Alright, Xiao! Where are we goin'?" You knew little to nothing about the buildings and stores around here so you were glad he agreed to come.

He thought for a moment before thinking of something "follow me" he said, beginning to walk forward. He was walking but for some reason, he was unnecessarily fast so you picked up your pace to keep up with him.

After a few minutes of walking past shops and food vendors, you wound up in front of a small café.

You walked in together, once you reached the counter, Xiao didn't say anything to the woman who greeted you both.

"Hi! Welcome in, what can I get you?" She spoke with a cheery smile, which made you want to smile too

"Hi, can I get (drink) and a (pastry)?" You turned to Xiao to see what he wanted but he just waved at the girl at the counter and she immediately wrote something down on her notepad

"Ok that'll be 10.37, it'll be done in a few minutes!" You gave Xiao a puzzled look and he just looked back with a tilt of his head as he handed the cashier a card. Once he got it back you went and took a seat near the window.

"Soo, you know that girl?" You questioned, he must come here often if she just knew what he'd order.

"Yeah she goes to school with us, she must've got dragged out for work though."

"Oo what's her name?" You were excited

"Xiangling" he responded, he seemed preoccupied looking at the receipt with an embarrassed frown.

"Ohh her! Hu Tao talked about her"

He looked up at you after fixing his face. "You know that psycho?" His nose was up scrunched a bit

"Hey she's not a-" you thought back to the conversation you had earlier in math. She would talk about coffins and death occasionally which was slightly alarming. "okay we'll she's not that bad, I like her"

"She's one of my friends don't worry" he let out a small laugh.

You guys spoke a bit longer before they called you for your food, Xiao had his hand on the receipt the whole time. You wondered why but decided not to question it. Once he got up though he left the little paper on the table and you decided to take a peak.

Everything looked normal until you read somewhere on the bottom

'Couples Discount -10%'

You choked on air and giggled a little before putting the paper back where you grabbed it, while Xiao had just sat back down putting your drink and (pastry) in front of you.

He had seen you grab it and read it so when he sat back down he immediately looked down and quietly ate his small plate of almond tofu. You saw his ears were a little red at the tips, it made you giggle a little more.

He mumbled something like just eat your food and you did.

He's cute like this you thought with a genuine smile on your face

Wait what

No, he isn't.

You quickly wiped that stupid smile off your face and started eating, wrapped in your thoughts.

𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝙝𝙪𝙧𝙩 𝙢𝙚 + Scaramouche x F!Reader x XiaoWhere stories live. Discover now