𝟎𝟏 "𝐖𝐞𝐢𝐫𝐝"

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Y/N POV: Monday


You were running around mindlessly looking for your phone in your mess of blankets. You finally found it, and you checked the time, it was 7:35, first period started at 8 but you had to be there at 7:50 to get your schedule, information packet, tour guide, and tour.

You finished shoving a few things into your backpack, slid on your shoes, and went off to your school. Liyue Academy was considered a prestigious high school because the success and graduation rates were high and the fact that it was a private school already piqued your cousin's interest, well more like her girlfriend (who just happened to be the principal)'s interest. You snatched your backpack, threw it over your shoulder and raced to the garage, got your skateboard, and left.


It was only a 5-minute ride so you arrived a few minutes early, and when you saw how big this place was you were petrified, it was huge. You walked around a bit until you found the main office and went to the front desk.

You spoke with the lady at the desk, and she directed you to the principal's office, where Ningguang sat organizing a few papers in a drawer, she had her back turned to you and spoke.

"Y/N, is that you?" She slightly turn her head to look at you and when you responded yes with a wave she nodded in acknowledgment. She stepped away from the drawers and went and gave you a quick hug before grabbing something off the desk and handing it to you.

You and Ningguang were never that close but you admired her greatly and she thought you to be "a smart and responsible young woman" which you didn't agree with entirely but didn't mind.

"This is your schedule, I went ahead and assigned your elective study to be art." She pointed at a line on the paper that said "Elective: Art - Room 401" You were happy with this because you enjoyed drawing so you gave her a smile and a thank you. She also gave you a few sheets of paper and explained how they were the curriculum and syllabus for all your classes. "This here" She added, holding a thin packet in her right hand, "Is your information packet, it includes a map, a list of electives in case you ever want to change them, and a list of the student council and who you should talk to for help."

"Thank you! Uhmm also am I still gonna get a tour? This place is frighteningly big..." You questioned, you did not want to wander this place on your own.

"Yes I will be assigning a student to stay with you most of the day to help you around, he has a lot of the same classes as you so it'll be fine." She said with a smile before peeking out of the office and calling in a student.

'She said he, maybe it's a cute boy...' You thought jokingly before feeling a hand on your shoulder and hearing a peaceful and kind voice behind you say "Hello, you must be Y/N?"

You flipped around caught off guard almost toppling to the side and saw a boy with platinum blonde hair with a vibrant red streak. His skin was fair and smooth, he smiled at you.

And oh my archons... this boy was beautiful.

You stared at him for a few moments before realizing he had his hand out towards you to shake it, your eyes widened a little and you were embarrassed and hastily looked down and shook his hand politely. "Yes, Hi I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you" You spoke hastily. You looked up just a tiny bit, mostly because you didn't wanna look him in the eye again in fear of staring again.

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