𝟑𝟏 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝-𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐫

382 12 22


I was gonna post this later but damn y'all were so mad at me so here😭

Also, it's a short one ahahha

Scaramouche POV


Y/n pulled away all of a sudden and turned away from me, she looked disappointed.

'What did I do now?'

I followed her depressing gaze and saw that same girlfriend-stealing Xiao from before.

But something was off, he didn't look at me with annoyance or even acknowledge my presence.

Xiao stared at Y/n, he looked betrayed and hurt.


He stumbled out of the room and left, Y/n took off after him and I called for her to come back but she only turned around and mumbled an apology before running out.

Ajax peeked around the doorway on the floor.

"I told you to watch the door!" I shouted in annoyance at him and ran after Y/n.

"Not my fault that tiny gremlin is strong!"

Y/n continuously shouted Xiao's name and I shouted at her in hopes of her turning back and running toward me, but she never did.

She was too busy chasing after another guy.

Xiao POV


"Xiao wait! Please!" Y/n shouted at me as I ran out of the hospital, plenty of weird stares followed us as she chased me. A few of those being our own friends.

"Y/n!" Scaramouche could be heard following Y/n.

We ran until I reached a random quiet street, Y/n wouldn't stop following me and I finally flipped around to finally face her.

"Screw off Y/n!" I shouted at her. "Go back to your boyfriend!" I wanted to sound rude and threatening so she would leave, but I partly wished she'd continue to follow after me.

Y/n stood a few feet away from me with Scaramouche standing a few feet behind her. She struggled for words and choked on quiet sobs.

'Why is she crying?'

I watched in confusion, Y/n couldn't even speak and Scaramouche kept shouting at Y/n for her to turn back and go with him. As much as I wanted to walk away from Y/n right now, listening to how he was talking and yelling at her started to piss me off. Suddenly, I didn't want her to go back with Scaramouche anymore.

"Y/n." Scaramouche and I said at the same time. He sent me a death glare and I gladly returned it.

"Let's go Y/n!" Scaramouche's jaw was clenched tightly as he held back his frustration and will to yell even louder.

"Don't fucking talk to her like that!" I snarled back at Scaramouche.

"Be quiet, both of you!" Y/n shouted, then she went quiet again.

It was silent, except for Y/n's sniffling as she tried to calm herself down.

"This is your fault."


"This is your fucking fault," Scaramouche repeated.

"How the hell is this my fault?"

"Maybe if you didn't try to STEAL someone else's girlfriend we wouldn't be in this situation!"

"Maybe if you weren't such an ass, she wouldn't have come to me!" I snapped back.

Scaramouche's glare deepened but I was not going to let him push me around.

"We were perfectly fine! I'd treat her better than you could any day!"

I scoffed at his obvious arrogance, at this point, I just wanted to push his buttons and see how far he'd go. "Yeah right, she wouldn't have broken up with you for me if that were true."

I definitely struck a nerve with that comment.

"I'll fucking kick your ass"

"Scaramouche!" Y/n whipped around to look at him.

Y/n said he could be violent but I didn't expect him to jump into a fight so soon.

"Go ahead and try." I scoffed, I didn't think he was serious because Y/n was still here but apparently, that didn't matter because Scaramouche walked past her as she pleaded for him to cut it out, but he wasn't listening.

He walked straight towards me and immediately swung a fist right toward my face.


642 words

𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝙝𝙪𝙧𝙩 𝙢𝙚 + Scaramouche x F!Reader x XiaoWhere stories live. Discover now