𝟐𝟗 𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲

334 12 25

Tw: depictions of violence and getting your butt kicked

Y/n pov



Mona feigned concern and pointed Aether's attention toward me, with everyone's back to her she had a smug smile painted across her face.

Once Aether turned around and noticed me on the ground he looked surprised and spoke to Lumine who pulled out some kind of pastry and handed it to Ajax who handed it to me.

"Eat this, it'll help with the dizziness."

I took the snack a reluctantly took a bite, it was actually quite good and after eating it I felt a little bit better. My head was still throbbing and I still felt like puking my insides out but I wasn't as dizzy anymore and could probably make it to the nurse's on my own now.

Standing up, Kazuha and Ajax help me regain my balance.

"Thank you Lumine," I smiled thankfully at her and she returned it with her own bright smile, "I can make it to the nurse's office on my own now, thank you for your concern guys." I tried to move quickly out of my crowd of friends before they could offer to help me but someone grabbed my arm and made me turn around.

"Please Y/n, you still don't look well." Mona smiled innocently, she seemed worried. "Let me accompany you to the nurse, I swear, it'll be no trouble for me." Everyone seemed to buy her false attitude and thought it'd be a good idea to have her accompany me.

Before I could open my mouth to protest, Mona waved goodbye to everyone else in the room and walked me down the stairs gently like I was some old lady crossing the street.

When we were finally out of view from everyone else she started roughly pulling me behind her, making me trip on a few steps. I protested and tried to tug from her grip but she held firm and shushed me.

When we reached the main floor of the building, instead of bringing me to the nurse, Mona brought us to an empty class and practically threw me into the wall opposite the door.

"Ouch Mona! What the fuck!?" I yelped loudly when my back hit a counter, my spine ached from the harsh impact.

Mona covered my mouth and held me by the back of my hair harshly, she pulled me close to her face and whisper-shouted in my face.

"Do you have no shame?!"

'What the hell is she talking about?'

I stared at her confused, unsure of what she was talking about.

"Don't play stupid! How could you do that to Scaramouche?!" Mona was fuming at whatever this was about.

It took me a minute to register what she meant but suddenly a possible idea appeared.

'Our breakup? Wouldn't that make her happy? Why is she upset with me?'

Mona removed her hand from my mouth but kept me pinned to the counter by my wrists. It was an easy situation to get out of but I wanted to see what she had to say.

"I don't understand... what's the problem?" Mona looked at me in disbelief at my question and looked like she was ready to kill me.

"You are a disgusting cheater! You should feel horrible!" She was no longer whispering and she yelled at me with everlasting hatred.

I blinked in confusion.


I stared at her, unsure of what to say, Mona became even more upset with this and reached up to slap me. But by now I was entirely fed up with this conversation and I kneed her in the stomach.

Mona let out a yelp and held her arms to her stomach, letting go of my wrists. I tried to break for the door but Mona grabbed my hair and yanked me back.

We fumbled and fought for a few moments while I struggled to free myself from Mona's insanity. I managed to hit her in the face a few times but it made my knuckles sting.

"Stay away from me, you psycho!" I ripped myself from her painful grasp and scrambled away to the door. I stood up and bolted out the door. Mona chased me in the halls.

By now, with all this frustration, my intense headache came back, my vision blurred and I became extremely dizzy all over again.

The physical agony was enough to make me collapse to the floor, unable to run anymore, Mona caught up to me and looked down at me in triumph. She looked insane. Her eyes screamed malicious intent, and her face was beaten and bruised from our scuffle in the classroom earlier.

"Finally that medicine is kicking in how it's supposed to." Mona laughed and kicked my leg. She bent down to my level and all I could do was sit in horror, unsure of what her problem with me was.

"Why are you so obsessed with him!?" I shouted. If she was going to hurt me, I at least wanted answers.

Mona cackled loudly and smirked at me, "Because, he was supposed to come back to ME! Not return with some whore like you!" Her sadistic laughter turned into pure hatred in the last sentence.

My head was hurting intensely, at this point I'd pass out from the headache and dizziness before Mona could actually hurt me. Tears were forming in the corners of my eyes now, from both fear and agony.

"Just l-leave me alone already!" My voice wavered.

'How is nobody in the hallways right now?'

"No! Scaramouche would be hurt by your shameful actions, hurting you back would please him! Wouldn't it?"

I didn't believe that the Scaramouche I knew would enjoy my pain.

'How well did I know him though?'

The discomfort was too much to bear at this point and I could feel my consciousness drifting away, giving into exhaustion, I laid back on the hardwood floor in defeat.

'Maybe this is what I deserve.'

'Maybes this is what happens when you hurt someone you love'

The door at the end of the hall suddenly swung open and suddenly Mona was tackled harshly to the floor by a flash of green.

At the sudden surprise, I fought my body to sit up to look at what was happening.

A short, teal-haired boy sat glowering over Mona with a fist threatening her face and pinning her hands together. His once soft amber eyes glared into her soul and he looked ready to kill her if she so much as moved.

"Xiao..." He turned to face me and his threatening glare turned soft and worried when he saw me, I struggled to muster the strength to thank him, but before I could, a sudden pain rattled my skull.

'What did she put in there?'

Another flash of orange and blonde rushed over to me. Ajax picked me up with the help of Kazuha and carried me away.

Knowing the security of being with my friends, I curled up into Ajax's embrace and fell asleep.



chaos shall ensue muahah

1171 Words

𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝙝𝙪𝙧𝙩 𝙢𝙚 + Scaramouche x F!Reader x XiaoWhere stories live. Discover now