𝟕𝟒 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐧

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As my eyes adjusted to the bright room, a tall woman with long purple hair looked down at me asleep in a chair.


"Not Ei." The girl gave me a small smile and it took me a short moment before I realized who she was.


"Hello Y/n, how are you doing?" I gave her a small hug as she asked her question.

"I'm doing... well as you can see it's going a little chaotic right now." I gestured to the fact that we were in a police station.

Scaramouche's sister stifled a giggle at my response, "How's my brother been doing? I'm glad the two of you made up."

"He's been the same old grumpy Scaramouche. How have you been?"

Before Shogun could answer, the door opened, and in walked two women, one with pink hair and the other with purple.

"I'm here for Kunikuzushi Raiden." Ei told the person at the reception desk.

"Alright just sign this here." He reached into a drawer and pulled out a clipboard.

"May I speak with him for a moment?" The purple-haired woman requested and the receptionist nodded. Both Miko and Ei walked into the hallway together.

"We should go with them to make sure nobody gets hurt." Shogun recommended as we quickly walked in behind them.

"Kunikuzushi." Ei's voice was cold and she glared at her son like she wanted to strangle him. Shogun walked to her side and gave Kuni an empathetic smile.

"Mother." He imitated his mother's tone.

"What the hell did you do?" She demanded.

Miko simply stood and watched until she noticed my approach.

"Ah. Y/n." She greeted and stepped away from the arguing family members.

"Hi Mrs. Yae!" Miko ruffled my hair and smiled sweetly at me.

"It's been so long, I missed you. How have you been?"

I tried to block out the shouting match between mother and son a few feet away, to no avail.

"I've been okay, how's it in Inazuma?"

"Oh you know, busy as always." Miko shrugged. "Who's this?" She pointed behind me.

I turned around and noticed Xiao standing close behind me.

"Oh! This is Xiao." I wasn't sure how to introduce him since Kuni had yet to inform his parents about our relationship.

"Pleasure to meet you, Xiao." Miko outstretched a hand for him to shake. "Are you perchance Zhongli's adopted son?"

"Yes, I am."

"Ahh. I didn't know he had such a cute boy. Y/n, you should've been with a kid like this one instead of that jerk." Miko patted Xiao on the head leaving him stunned and red.

'The irony...'

I just smiled awkwardly, unsure of how I should respond without lying.

Just then, Ei walked away from Scaramouche after their argument and gave me a scornful look as she left.

"I better go with her..." The foxy woman in front of me sighed and accompanied her frustrated wife.

In the absence of his parents, Xiao and I approached Scaramouche and Shogun who seemed to be having an argument of their own.

"Just come back home. She's going to make you eventually." The girl tried to reason.

"I've told you a hundred times, no. I'm doing fine here."

"Why must you be so difficult all the time..." Shogun grumbled and massaged her temples.

"Everything alright?" I asked.

"I'm sorry Y/n, but he needs to come back home. Our mother needs an heir for the busin-"

"Shut up already Shogun. You know just as well as I do that she's going to pick you." Kuni scowled.

"I don't want to be the heir! You know that, you're much more cut out for it. You're the one who's wanted it since you were a kid!"

"That was before I found people I care about here."

"Okay, I think you both need to calm down-"

"Stay out of this Y/n. This is none of your concern." Ei appeared behind me with an officer who began unlocking the cell Kuni was in. "You will be returning home Kunikuzushi." She glared at her son who finally exited his imprisonment.

"Like hell, I will." Kuni stormed out of the hallway immediately with his mothers and sister following close behind.

It was just Xiao and I left in the room. Xiao had remained silent for the majority of the situation but he was clearly irritated.


"He's not leaving." He declares before rushing out of the building as well. I rushed out after him and the squabbling family.

Outside the police station, Kunikuzushi continued arguing with Ei about where he should stay.

"You are still a child. Look at what's happened to you while you weren't under my supervision!" Ei reprimanded him.

Scaramouche didn't respond and just looked away with his arms crossed defiantly.

"Ei, you may just need to-"

"Not now Miko! You will be coming back with me." Ei grabbed and gripped Kuni's arm harshly.

Scaramouche tried to protest but was shut up when his mother raised her hand as she readied to slap him.

"He's not going anywhere." Xiao intervened and slapped Ei's hand away.

I watched in shock at Xiao's impulsive behavior and after looking at everyone around us I noticed the same expressions of confusion.

"You're Zhongli's son." Ei analyzed and inspected the boy in front of her. "This is none of your concern."

"Yes, it is."

"How so?" Miko interjected as she stepped into the argument. The sudden intrusion had piqued Miko's interest enough to get her to speak up again after being silenced.

"Because..." Xiao looked at a loss for words and before I could, Scaramouche spoke up.

"He's my boyfriend."

Everyone was stunned, including Xiao himself. It took a few moments for me to register the words that had just exited from Kunikuzushi's mouth.

'Hang on just a second-'




Also, I'm just gonna advertise my other book here rq-


994 Words

𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝙝𝙪𝙧𝙩 𝙢𝙚 + Scaramouche x F!Reader x XiaoWhere stories live. Discover now