𝟎𝟐 𝐀 𝐒𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧

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The class soon ended and you were still mentally yelling at yourself for getting caught staring at someone

how could you be so stupid Y/N!?

While you were arguing with yourself inside Kazuha approached you, he waved his hand in front of you a few times until you snapped out of your thoughts

"Ah!" You jolted, shaking your head. "Ahh sorry Kazuha.." you smiled sheepishly

"No problem but we have to get to our next class though" he pulled you away to your next class.

Math Class


Your next class went by uneventfully and boring.

However your next class, Math was a whole different story. You've always excelled in math, you hated it though. Your mother had always made sure you knew how to solve equations at least a grade higher than you were in.

You ended up getting sat next to this girl Hu Tao who you got along with very well, you two were quietly giggling at the table in the back. You were so glad you found someone you could be this comfortable with.

You were talking about some of her friends when she began to tell a story about something that happened to her friend Chongyun when he ate a spicy enchilada at a Mexican restaurant and you tried to contain your laughter but then you burst out into loud cackles, Hu Tao did too but immediately shut herself up with her hand and put her head down to the table.

You on the other hand were unable to contain yourself.

You heard a loud smack on your table. You flinched so hard you almost toppled out your chair.

You immediately shut your mouth and turned around to see your teacher Ms. Yelan with her hand on the table and an unfazed yet menacing look on her face.

"Do not speak in my class when I am teaching, I am the teacher, not you." She emphasized the you which ticked you off for no real reason. "This is your first and only warning Ms. L/N." She demanded, glaring at you, then swiftly walked away to the front of the board.

The 'new' you that you were trying to be would have said ok and moved on, but she was still settling in so you decided to push your teacher's limits.

"Well Ms. Yelan" She flipped around with a glare, but you were already glaring back with an innocent smile. Any students that weren't already staring at you certainly were now. "I would bet I could be a teacher too, it doesn't seem too hard. based on your performance" you mumbled the last part but made sure it was loud enough for her and the class to hear.

You heard a few gasps and whispers in the class and Hu Tao kicked you in the shin but you were already too far in the back down now.

"Oh really? If you're so smart" she began to look in her book on her desk, found a math problem, and wrote it on the board "Come up to the front to solve and teach this equation." She gestured to the place where she was standing.

You were brilliant academically and believed that solving this would be easy but explaining the process for others to understand isn't something you ever tried but you gave it a shot nonetheless.

You stood up from your chair and confidently walked towards the board and grabbed the marker from Ms. Yelan's hand and flashed her a smile. You looked back at the class and saw Kazuha with a worried and confused look, Hu Tao looking purely excited, and that one amber-eyed boy with a stoic but interested face.

Ms. Yelan went and sat at her desk.

You solved the equation with ease and stated your steps out loud every step of the way. You then flipped around to the class, "Any questions?" You asked cheerfully fully prepared to answer anything and everything

A girl with long purple pigtails, the one from your history class raised her hand, "Where did you get the -74 from in your 3rd step?" You separated that part of the equation and re-solved and explained it.

The girl looked pleased, gave you an avid look, and thanked you before writing something in her notebook. You turned to your teacher who had a calm look on her face. She clapped slowly a few times and stood up.

"Well that was good, I'll give you that much." You looked at her with a grateful but also spiteful smile. "But you're still getting lunch detention, go have a seat, and no more talking. That goes for you too Ms. Hu."

You sat down still proud of yourself, while Hu Tao slumped in her chair with a deflated frown. The class continued without any more complications but you could feel multiple eyes on you from time to time for your peers, you tried to look calm and collected but once again went back to mentally yelling at yourself for starting more problems for yourself.


end of chapter


So I don't like this that much, but uh this is me struggling to work on Y/N's prideful trait so stay patient with me through this process. OK, I might post again later, bye-bye.

877 words

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