𝟎𝟖 𝐈𝐬𝐬𝐮𝐞𝐬

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I've been pulling for Xiao and mihoyo decided to give me this instead of him. I'm definitely not upset over a gacha system because I didn't get a hot guy.


Y/N POV: Tuesday


You had just left your home after getting ready and you are now skating with Hu Tao to Venti's house to meet up with him and Xiao, you mostly stayed quiet listening to what the energetic girl next to you was rambling about until you met up with everyone.

Hu Tao immediately jumped off her board and ran ahead to Venti and they started squealing like toddlers. Xiao simply waved at you as you walked up.

"So what do you guys usually do now?" You asked when Venti and Hu Tao finally stopped whatever that was.

Venti looked at you "We sometimes stop to eat, have you eaten yet Y/n?" you shook your head "Well then I guess we know where we're going!" he kicked down his board and immediately took off, he was wobbling a bit but eventually stabilized.

Xiao followed behind him with you and Hu Tao keeping a stable pace together so you could keep talking.

"So! How was your first day yesterday Y/n? I forgot to ask"

"It was pretty good! Some of my friends from Inazuma showed up out of nowhere and they're gonna be staying a few days." You smiled thinking about Scaramouche and his slightly dressed-up attire. You assumed it was Rosalyne's idea because he would never do that willingly.

Hu Tao caught your huge grin and gave you a smirk. "Friends you say~? Are you sure none of them are anything more than that?" She teased

You giggled, "Well maybeee" you almost wobbled off your board as you lost focus for a second

"What is their name??" You saw the place you went to yesterday with Xiao coming into view, you now read the name as Wanmin Café.

"His name's Scaramouche, we've been together for..." You thought for a moment before speaking again "a year now I think? But we had an issue about a week ago but it's in the past now" Hu Tao gave you a quick smile before she stopped in front of the building. You stopped a little late and almost rammed into Venti in the back but you caught yourself.

You all walked inside and ordered something, before all sitting down at a nearby table. That girl Xiangling wasn't here this time, you assumed she was at school already.

"Soo, what were you ladies talking about back there?" Venti scooted closer to the table and placed his chin in his hands.

"Nothi-" you were cut off by Hu Tao

"Y/n's got a boyfrienddd~" She giggled. Venti's head flipped to you with a childish "Storytime" face. Xiao just got up to go grab your things at the counter after they called his name for your group order.

"What?" you laughed with a playfully confused face, "why are you so interested, what's so surprising about that?" you faked an offended frown.

"That's not it!" he frowned back "Tell me about him!" his face lit up again.

"hmm, his name is Scaramouche and he's from Inazuma like me, he came to visit me yesterday." You unknowingly smiled again at the thought. You went on to talk about him and how he looked and things you did together, while Xiao had come back and started handing out everyone's food and started eating.

𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝙝𝙪𝙧𝙩 𝙢𝙚 + Scaramouche x F!Reader x XiaoWhere stories live. Discover now