𝟐𝟔 𝐍𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐬

360 11 19


2 years ago


I was seated at the back of the class, completely unable to see the whiteboard.

'Great free ticket to FAILING this class'

I heard the door open and tried to stretch my head to peak over some of the students and saw some short, purple-haired, pissed-off-looking boy walk into the class and immediately snap at the teacher after getting assigned to a seat in the back of the class.

Due to his lack of height, he would be unable to see the board. Mrs. Yae rolled her eyes at him and said he'd be able to see perfectly fine and if he couldn't, to just ask a peer and pointed to me.

The boy's head whipped over to glare at me, "That girl probably can't even see either!?" He pointed at me and shouted, "Hey! Can you even see the board?"

I gulped, I was never a timid person but this guy was scary.

"U-uh no-" he cut me off immediately.

"See?" Mrs. Yae rolled her eyes and appointed some random, taller guys to switch seats with us.

One of the students, a ginger one 'spoke' with my purple-haired savior for a moment before sitting down in the back. 'Spoke' as in the ginger tried to engage with him which resulted in a scoff from the other boy.

Now I was sat in the second row beside the same hot-headed teen who looked like he'd kill whoever engaged with him.

'What a great first day...'


Turns out, 'Scaramouche' was in every single one of my classes, and because archon knows why I sat next to him in all of those classes.

I had learned his name from my art teacher who yelled at him for refusing to do his assignment.

During my final class of the day, I finally worked up the confidence to talk to him.

I took in a breath and turned to my right to face Scaramouche. He paid zero attention to the teacher during the lecture, with his earphones in, he seemed to be drawing something on his page.

Peeking over his shoulder, I watched Scaramouche draw for a bit, it seemed to be a cat. I watched him draw for a while but then he sighed, put his pencil down, and looked me in the eye.

'His stare is scary'

"Can I help you?"

He kept his volume down, assumingly not to alert the teacher. I cleared my throat and worked up my courage again.

"I'm Y/n" Scaramouche raised an eyebrow, "I sit next to you in every class so I thought it'd be good to get to know you." I smiled and he just rolled his eyes and turned back to his paper to continue drawing.

'Okay... not a people person'

Resting my head in my hand, I continued to watch the pencil drift along the paper while my seatmate drew beside me.

Scaramouche took a glance at me and groaned but he didn't stop me from watching which I took as a good sign.

I slowly started drifting off into a nap and eventually fell asleep with my head in my hand.

𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝙝𝙪𝙧𝙩 𝙢𝙚 + Scaramouche x F!Reader x XiaoWhere stories live. Discover now