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Walking down the hallways of my disgusting highschool, I come face to face with the locker I've been using for almost 4 years. This is the start of my senior year and I'm very much excited to leave this schoolthis hell hole. It's never been easy being a nerd after all, having to get used to the slushies and the bullying, but now I can say to all those popular kids who torture us nerds out there that they can bring whatever cold ice slushy they got because after graduating, its going to be us throwing money at their faces.

"Hey Sinclair!"

Scrunching my eyebrows as I turn around on
the heel of my foot, I swivel to face the opposite
direction of my locker and all about lose my breath as I see the volleyball star, Bianca Barclay, walking towards me with a smirk on her face and a rusty bucket of slushy.

I gasp as I try to make a run for it but it seems
like I'm outnumbered because there's a girl who's surprisingly behind me and holds my arms steady keeping me in place. While the others just watch me like a hawk. What am I? A mouse?

"Where do you think your running off to,
Sinclair?" chuckles Bianca as she stops just in
front of me, her smirk only getting wider. "Don't
think its over yet you're still in high school."
Biting my lower lip, I close my eyes to avoid what could be a burning syrup attack when all of a sudden the girl holding me in place pokes my rib and I jerk my eyes open to squirm in pain but of course what more pain can there be when Bianca throws a bucket of slushy at my face?


"Welcome back Sinclair!" shouts Bianca as she
and her minions laugh and high-five each other
while walking to the other side of the corridor,
talking endlessly about how great it feels to drench my eyes with cold-ice liquid.

I groan, not bothering to move for a while
because it really hurts when I feel a hand touch
my shoulder. Taking a peek, I half-smile as my
best friend, Max, frowns at me then glares at the direction where the footballers went.

"Hey Max." I coughed, wiping my face which
actually didn't help much.

She turns to me and smiles sympathetically. "Hey, sorry I didn't make it on time. El was on the phone."

Max is also on the volleyball team she's actually a bigger star than Bianca but she doesn't act like Bianca. No, Max is the volleyball team captain because she moves like a ninja and everyone respects her but since Bianca is co-captain, she still has the power to do whatever she wants as long as Ajax isn't around. It's like some kind of rule.

Either way, I'm lucky to have Max.

"It's okay, its my last first day of school slushy'
for the rest of my life, I might as well enjoy it." I
joked, flicking the cubes of colored ice away from my sweater which is now a shade of red. "Ugh, I should've worn a different sweater."

Max chuckles, and pulls my arm to the ladies
bathroom, pushing the doors open as we walk in to see girls blush at us.

"Max, this is the girl's bathroom." I mumbled,
blushing as girls smirked at us before running out to give us some privacy.

Shrugging her shoulders, she tugs my sweater up, motioning for me to remove it. I stare at her in disbelief and blushed.

"Max, no." I said, tugging it back down. "What if
somebody sees us?" She rolls her eyes and laughs. "Im just helping Enid, think what they want to think."

I frown at her while tugging my sweater down
again. "It doesn't work that way in this school."
"It does in my book, come on... you might catch a fever." She replies, tugging it all the way up, only stopping at my neck. It was a good thing I was wearing a tank top inside.

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