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don't hate Wednesday too much (it's time to suffer hehe)


"Any sign of Max?" Ajax asks me as we eat our
lunch by our usual table. He now occupies El's

I shake my head, sad. It's been two weeks and
I cannot believe she's been ignoring us. I saw
glimpses of her down the hallways but before I
can catch up, she'd be gone in a flash. She truly is a ninja. "She keeps running away" I sigh, rubbing my forehead in frustration as I look past Ajax's head to the Cheerios' table where Wednesday sits beside Divina and Yoko, playing with her food with a sad face.

Maybe I shouldn't have been so hard on her.

"Haven't you noticed something also?" Ajax
asks, breaking my eye contact with Wednesday's
beautiful features as I turn to him, confused. He
chuckles and clasps his hands together, leaning
close. "We haven't been slushied for a week, I think that's a record."

I stop eating and tilt my chin up, reading Ajax's
words in my head again. He's right, he's completely right. No slushy facials, no bad mouths, no shouting down the hallways, and no pushing. It was almost like we were invisible now. "Oh yeah." I mumble out, nibbling on my lower lip as I laugh a bit.

"Think they're broke from buying so many
slushy-cups?" I joke, smiling when Ajax throws
his head back and snorts.

"God, I hope so. I mean, how much allowance do
they get that they decided to waste it all on buying a large cup of slushy to throw away?" she chortles, making me choke on my water as I laugh out loud, catching the attention of a few people but I ignore them.

My laughter dies when I stare at Max's empty
chair. "I just want to talk to her, I miss Max." I pout, watching Ajax frown as well.

"I miss her too but I guess we need to give her
some space? I heard Bianca made her the last set of strings or whatever you call it." Ajax huffs,
shaking his head in disdain.

"She did that?" I gasp, the intensifying feelings to look for my best friend growing more. "How could she do that? Max's the best player."I groan, biting my tongue when a few of the Jocks pass by our table.

Ajax frowns as well but something else catches
his eye and it makes him scowl instead. "Don't
look behind you but, Yoko's staring at us." He
whispers, ducking his head down.

I feel my eyebrows scrunching together, as I so
badly want to turn my head around but instead;
I result to asking Ajax whatever the hell is
happening. "Why?"

"I don't know but I think she's glaring at you." he
hisses, the fear evident in his eyes all of a sudden when he adds, "And Wednesday notices it." She adds and yup, I have to look.

So I whip my head around and nearly gasp as I see Wednesday poking Yoko's chest hard, so hard-that the girl almost falls off of her chair.

Yoko doesn't say anything but it only pisses
Wednesday even more as she stands and pushes the girl, Nancy catching her before she falls. The cafeteria turns silent as Yoko avoids Wednesday's gaze and ignores her threats.

Lucky enough, Divina pulls Wednesday away and out of the cafeteria.

Ajax huffs and crosses his arms together.
"Seriously, what is up with Wednesday lately? It's like Satan put double evil injections in her body." That made me kind of sad. "Like did you hear? She set a piano on fire."

My jaw drops at that information. "What?" I gasp, wondering why I feel the urge to laugh at this.

Ajax nods his head, smirking-and I know he
wants to laugh too. "Yup and not just any piano-
the glee club's piano."

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