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a really short chapter so i'll do a double upload.
don't worry

Okay so hello, that's right I'm back in school, with fresher clothes and gum in my mouth because I forgot to brush my teeth this morning but that's not the problem here. Nope, the problem is I'm heartbroken and sad. Want to know why?

I woke up today by myself in Bianca's guestroom
with sticky bed sheets. Wednesday's clothes were also gone and I panicked for a while thinking it was just a dream before looking back at the sticky sheets and yeah okay it was most definitely real.

Not wanting to cause a scene after I hear Bianca
ramming the door, I escaped through the window, went to my house changed very fast and went to school with a broken heart.

Wednesday just left me.

How could she?
And as I close my lockers after grabbing my
books, I'm suddenly being pulled by the back part of another favorite sweater of mine and into an empty astronomy room.

Blinking my eyes to adjust to the brightness coming from the windows, I see Wednesday with a fixed glare on my face.

I gulp and try to look for an escape route, ignoring the intense beating of my heart.

Wednesday scowls at me and marches to my face, poking hard at my chest. "Fuck you." she growls, clenching my sweater tight as she threateningly glares at me. "How dare you take advantage of me."

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