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*ok also just a heads up, Max's character was a male in the original story so if some things seem off that's why. i had to change everything to fit Max's pronouns but sometimes it doesn't fit so just ignore that! Also bye i didn't read the original story so any thing that happens with the characters i didn't know so don't think i hate anyone by making them have a specific role*

I'm drying my hair with one of the towels she gave me after I dressed up in her mom's clothes that she left behind. I take a deep breath and exhaled, looking around her bedroom with a tight lipped smile.

It was so Wednesday.

And by Wednesday, I mean the Wednesday I love who's coming out of the bathroom with a towel around her amazing body but something's

Something is definitely different with her face all scrunched up as she reads her phone.

I'm about to ask her what's Wrong when she averts her eyes to me and points at the door. "You need to leave." I furrow my eyebrows and tilt my head to the side.

"Sorry?" I ask her again.

She clucks her tongue and adjusts the towel in her hand. "I said you need to leave." "But Wednesday-"

"Blue eyes, you have to follow what I say- Yoko
and the girls are coming over and they can't see
you here." She demands, pointing at the door again.

I frown at her.

But I thought " "What? Did you think we were
going to cuddle and watch TV together?" she
exasperated, throwing her arms like it was a joke.B"Did you think I was going to be friends with you and vent out my life story?"

In my head, I just want to tell her yes.

She clucks her tongue once more and approaches me by the bed. "Blue eyes, read the contract. You are just my fuck buddy- nothing more than that." she says, laughing darkly.

I feel my eyes watering at this.

"Be happy I even consider you as something in my life with a label."

And then we're silent, and I don't dare myself to
look at her eyes that's probably just going to hurt me more. "Now you have to go." She instructed me, moving to her closet. "And the next time we see each other " she says, leaning back and away from her closet to stare at me through the mirror of her dresser."-its going to be in a fuck buddy relationship."

I bite my lip and hold my whimper inside. It
actually really hurts.

"Unless you want me to add a rule 8 where it says Don't fall in friends."

She adds some more, laughing at me while bringing out a tank top. My heart's shattering into pieces until I ignore her voice and walk out of the room, out of the house- but not before grabbing my clothes of course- then back to my own home.

Do I really just want to be her fuck buddy?

"Enid?" Are you alright?" Max asks me as we sat
down on our designated cafeteria table near the
opening doors. I snap my head up and stare back at her blue eyes.

"Huh? Yeah I am. Why would you ask that?" I ask, crinkling my eyebrows as I go back to mindlessly playing with my food. "I think its obvious enough that you're not feeling okay." She replies, ducking her head down to peek at me as I smile sadly at her.

Of course I'm not okay. Why wouldn't I be? It's been a week since day- -night 2 with Wednesday and ever since then, I've just been watching her across the hallway or just staring at my phone all night wondering when she'd call me. I'm starting to think she gave up on this fuck buddy business- and yes, maybe I should be happy because it'll save me from a whole world of hurt but this relationship is the closest thing I have to getting with Wednesday.

Call me desperate.

I shrug my shoulders and sigh. "Maybe I'm just sad that El's not eating with us anymore."

And apparently, that's a mini-reason why I'm upset also. A few days ago, Max and El the super
forever couple -broke up because Max found
out that El was cheating on her with Bianca.
Harsh right? I'm pretty sure Bianca's doing this
because he hates Max's guts. She's trying to make her emotionally broken so that the football coach would degrade her from being captain in case her emotional rollercoaster bothers her in the field. Then that would result to giving the captain title to Bianca instead.

Well planned but he forgot one thing, Max's
amazing and she's smart. As much as she loved
El she realized that if El was able to have
sex with another girl while she was with her then that's not love at all. So she moved on pretty quickly but she still gets hurt around the subject because more than a lover, El was her bestest friend too other than me of course.

"Sad? Why would you be sad about that?" she
laughs, shaking her head at me with disgust. So
okay, lets say she's really pissed at her too. I would be too! Like hello, she gave away Max Mayfield 's abs.

I chuckle at her, knowing she's a bit touchy about the subject but also over it. "I don't know because she's our best friend?"

She puts her finger up and waggles it. "Nope."
She says, popping her lips. "She is not our best
friend because what kind of friend would say yes to drugging the cupcakes the cheerleaders would give to me and work along with them by making sure that during the whole party, I was never ever near you." she exaggerates, flopping her arms everywhere.

I frown at this because yeah, that's true too. During the party, El was in on the scam and made sure Max was never near me at all, always keeping a distance from me because she knew even if she was high and hit, she'd come down eventually and turn back to overprotective Max.

"She was just jealous "I reasoned out, biting my
lower lip. Max gives me a surprised look. "Jealous? Yeah, why would she even be jealous of you?"

I smile at this. It seemed like El thought Max
had a big crush on me and wanted me to learn my lesson during the party. "Who wouldn't be jealous of me?" I joked back, wagging mny eyebrows as Max throws her head back and laughs at me.

She points a finger at me and winks. "Touche

We laugh some more before dismissing the subject and finishing our food, my appetite suddenly coming back as I smile at Max with thanks. I'm so grateful she's my best friend and unlike El, I would never do such a thing to her. She notices my stare and looks up from her bowl and winks at me again.

"Im single now Enid." She coos, flexing her arms at me as I roll my eyes at her.

"And I'm gay." I joke back, snickering at her as she drops her shoulders.

"Damn it."

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