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"Here honey." My dad coos, placing the tray of
goods beside my side-table as I lay under the
blankets, opening my eyes just a bit to stare at him. He smiles and leans down to brush the hair away from my face. "Feeling any better?"

Ajax couldn't talk any more of my sickness
spreading throughout the school and forced the
teacher to send me home during my last subject at least, making it not affect any of my records. That's why I'm here now, watching my father pour me a glass of milk whilst holding the carton in hand.

"No-" I chuckle, rubbing my nose with my arm.
"My head hurts a lot." I croak out, tugging the
sheets higher to cover half of my face.
My dad cocks his hip to the side and smirks. "It'll go away soon." He assures me, opening his mouth to say something else when the doorbell rings. He holds a finger up to excuse herself and walks out of my room, leaving the door open as I cuddle further down my blanket. Mom's at the hospital and Dad took the rest of the day off after hearing me being sent home from school.

"What are you doing here?"

Eyes widening, I sit up on my bed and gulp hard.

"Hello, Mr. Sinclair, I was wondering if-if Enid's inside."


"Yes she is, and what do you want to do with her?" I bite my lip, wincing at how harsh my dad sounds when he's all mad.

"I-I want to speak to her if that's okay with you."
I can sense Wednesday. getting nervous and scared, and honestly-who wouldn't be with my dad sounding like that?

There's a loud stomp before I hear anything else. "I don't think that's a good idea, Wednesday." My dad hisses and I can't help but reach out for a piece of cookie.

"Mr. Sinclair-"

"I don't think you should even be allowed
anywhere near this house." My dad cuts her
off before she replies. "I'd-, I'm not allowing
you anywhere near Enid-do you understand

Wednesday doesn't reply and the only thing I hear next is the sound of a door closing.

I scramble to get under the covers again as I
pretend to close my eyes and drift to sleep. I wait for my dad to come back up the steps but he never does. But before I go to sleep, I run to my window that's not connected to my balcony and peer out. Wednesday's walking back to someone's car, and Im pretty sure that's Divina's. She climbs in and after a second, it pulls into a curve and drives off. I feel myself scowling at the car as it goes away and I'm praying it never comes back here.

"You shouldn't wait for someone like that." I whip my head around to see my dad staring at me. I bite my lower lip and walk back to my bed. "I thought Wednesday was worth it but I feel like she really isn't going anywhere." he continues on, laughing that dark laugh he gets when he doesn't like people.

I hug a pillow close to my body and tangle my legs over it.

"Sweetie, never talk to that girl again." he tells me with a firm voice. "Do you understand me, Enid?"

I find myself having a stare-contest with the wall as I slowly nod my head.

Dad's know best right?

Wednesday Addams POV

"So that's it? You're just going to follow her dad
and not do anything about it?" Divina grunts from the driver's side, gripping hard on the stirring wheel.

"You're pathetic, Wednesday."

I duck my head down and watch as I play with my fingers, ignoring Divina because I'm still processing the words Mr. Sinclair just threatened me with.

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