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Subconsciously, I lick my lips.

"Wed-Wednesday.." I managed to let out, looking down at my fingers to play with them nervously.

"You said I shouldn't take advantage of you."I
mumble out, pouting because I don't want her to
regret having sex with me again.

Wednesday places a hand on my shoulder and
tilts my chin up to face her with her other hand,
her eyes shining brightly at me. "This is different now." She says, massaging my cheek and I let out a relaxed breath because this is the Wednesday I'm in love with.

"My deal still stands, nobody can hear about-us."
She grunts, pointing at both me and her as I feel
my shoulders deflate. "We are never going to have an us' so this is the best you're going to get blue eyes."

I bite my lip and consider the offer. Is she trying
to say Im going to be her sex toy or something? A slave?

"I'll say it again, sex with you is really good."
She says, laughing with wide eyes to show how
much she loved our last night love making. Well,
love making to me. "And I can't waste a good
opportunity in good sex." She says simply, clucking her tongue. "So again.., our deal is still very much active."

I scrunch my nose and look at her with a slight
edge in my pupils. "What're you trying to say here Wednesday?" I ask, defeated.

She smirks and kisses my cheelk softly before
leaning close to my ear and whispering, "Im trying to say you're going to be my fuck buddy."

I feel my body jolt and suddenly my hands are
pushing her away, making her stumble and fall
on the wooden coffee table- it's a good thing she's small because if not, she would've broken the table and that'd be really bad- I don't want to hurt Wednesday.

Feeling guilty for what I did, I bring my hands out to her and she swats it away, ignoring what just happened as she settles herself comfortably on the table. Wednesday crosses her legs and leans forward to stare at me again.

"Don't like it?" she asks, smirking at me smugly as if to dare me to deny the offer.

And boy I really want to deny it. I'm freaking in
love with this girl and I'm just a fuck buddy to her?

I shake my head. "I don't want that." I reply
strongly, biting my lip.

Wednesday rolls her eyes and hums. "You're lying to yourself now Sinclair." She snickers, wagging a finger at me. "I know you like me."

I gulp, at least not love.

"It's as obvious as a pregnant lady."

I don't know what to say, should I finally confess
my love to her? Or is that too fast?

"And I know you want this." She says more,
gesturing to her body up and down. "And there's
nothing wrong with having sex and being my fuck buddy." Wednesday chortles, tilting her head to the side as I give her a look of disbelief.

My face contorts in disgust but why do I feel my
body go desperate for her? "Just " holding a finger up, she points at me daringly. " -make it
a secret. Nobody can know about this and you
can have your way with me any day--anytime,
anywhere." She husks out, uncrossing her legs to
open her legs wide-making me groan upon seeing a wet patch on her panties.

Wednesday giggles at me.

"Understand?" she asks for my agreement, clucking her tongue.

I think about the pro's and con's.

Pro's, I get to be with the love of my life intimately, fulfilling all my dreams.

Con's, its based on pure sex and not what I want
which is love.

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