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I sigh deeply, tired from the day's events. It's only afternoon after lunch and I'm already drained. I haven't seen Max. She's gone and I can't find her. I went looking for her after I helped Ajax out but she was gone. No one knew where she was.

Cracking my neck to the side, I twist my locker's
lock and pull it open, snatching my books for the
upcoming lessons when I stop midway bringing out the last one, narrowing my eyes at the metal end of my locker. Inside, stuck by tape, is a piece of paper in a shape of a well, circle. It was taped on top, making it flap a bit with the air as I lean forward and grab the pad.

A smile tugs on my lips as I read the message
written on it.

Meet me behind the bleachers? -Wednesday

I laugh a bit and cover my mouth before I erupt
into a fit of giggles, her scent invading my nostrils as I turn on the heels of my feet and watch as Wednesday, the love of my freaking life, glides through the corridors like she owns it- well she kind of does-a smirk on her lips. She's just about to pass by me when in a second, she glances to my side and winks, licking her lips while nudging her chin to the paper on my hand before waving goodbye to a few cheerleaders.

And I'm just guessing-or not -but I'm pretty sure
she's heading to the field.

I bite my lower lip and can't help the bounce on
my toes, doing two spins from where I stand as
I ignore the stares around me when I rush to the
direction of the field, laughing like a freak when
something catches my eye. I stop a bit when I see Yoko, giving me a curious look. Not knowing what to say, she shakes her head and smiles at me, waving cutely as I return the gesture.

She blushes and smirks, laughing with her friends when I'm by the door to the fields, pushing them open.

The smell of soil and grass fills my nose as I search the field for any signs of my crush. It's empty like always and we're all lucky to have free period after lunch so it's really quiet with everyone inside the school.


I smile and tilt my head to the side, scrunching
my nose up whenI see Wednesday waving me
over behind the bleachers. I giggle and skip to
her, stopping to see her laid down on the couch
the skanks brought so they could cut classes and
smoke. She bunches her feet up on the armchair
and sighs, chucking.

"I hate school." She announces as I carry her legs up a bit before slumping down, placing them back but on my lap this time, my fingers caressing her smooth skin.

"You and every student in Nevermore." I joke back, watching as she sits up a bit to stare at me, using her elbows as leverage.

"Except you. You freaking love studying." She
teases me, licking her lips.

I roll my eyes and blush deeply. "I don't love it, it's just not that hard to be honest." I reply with a shrug of my shoulders.

Wednesday laughs and points at me accusingly.
"You are the only person, that I know, who thinks studying is easy."

I grin and loll my head to the side. "Then I'm
special huh?" I taunt, giggling as she sticks her
tongue out to me.

Wednesday huffs playfully. "Maybe." She drawls,
sucking in her lips. "Good thing you got the message or Id be alone out here." She hums,
resting her head back on the cushions.

I arch my eyebrow at her in mild curiosity. "Didn't know you can break into people's lockers." I tease, biting my inner cheek.

"It's a talent." Wednesday shrugs it off, peeking at me through half-lidded eyes. "Besides, I own the AV nerds." She adds triumphantly.

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