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"Hey Enid! Wait up!" says a familiar voice from
behind me as I walk to the field for some PE. today.

It suddenly switched with one of our Biology
classes because the teacher was absent. I'm still
upset that Max' sick but she's awfully comfy
enough sleeping at my room for the past few days, does her Mom even know she's with me?

I turn around and smile weakly at the girl with the magnificent brown eyes. "Yoko, hi." I whisper out, blushing when she winks at me and comes to a stop right in front.

She giggles and waves at me cutely. "Hi, you
transferred to P.E. too?" she asks me, looking
up and down my body that's in the casual P.E.
uniform, short shorts and a red Nevermore High t-shirt. But today, I decided to wear some sweats to cover my legs, the shorts were just too short. It might reveal my member.

Yoko seems to have x-ray eyes though because it
feels like she can see my legs if her dark eyes aren't proof enough.

Yoko licks her lips and smirks. "Sweats?" she
points out, giggling at me as I blush and fiddle with my fingers shyly. "It's hot out you know." She adds, nudging her chin to the door leading to the field.

"I get rashes from the sun." I dumbly reply,
mentally fist bumping myself for a great excuse.

She quirks her eyebrows at me, amused. "Okay
" she drawls with her tongue, leaning forward to
hook her arm with mine as she laughs and kicks
the door open, dragging me to the field as I blush at the contact. "Let's have fun then."

When we reach the field, I see my usual classmates in Biology but also some other outsiders that are probably from Yoko's class. Which surprisingly, consists of one Wednesday Addams. And she's as hot as ever, like damn, her shorts are so tight and small I can already see the curve of her ass and those pale legs are just so toned and firm, it makes me jealous.

And what more can I say with her boobs practically popping out of that shirt? Especially when she bends to the side and stretches, exposing yummy skin that almost shows off her abs. And-

Fuck, Divina's next to her too, saying something funny that makes Wednesday laugh along with her. I frown deeply, feeling the jealousy range within me as Yoko snaps me out of my thoughts, making me miss the way Wednesday averts her eyes to me for just a mili-second.

"-Enid -Enid, are you okay?" she asks me, eyes
brown with concern as I force a smile to tug on my lips, nodding lightly.

"Yeah, just dandy." I chuckle, scratching the back
of my neck as she lets go of my arm and waves
at a few of her cheerleader friends who start to
wave back but then cower away when they see
Im beside her. What? Do I have body odor or
something? Like jesus, stop with the hate.

A whistle blows off, alerting most of us as we circle around our P.E. teacher and current football coach, Coach Joyce, she spits out the whistle from her lips and it lands back on her chest with it dangling from side to side. I see people cringe when they spot some spit flying off to the ground.

"Listen up ladies!" She shouts, voice loud as I
examine the field and notice that the boys are in
the other side with Coach Jim, basketball coach.

"Since you're Biology and Chemistry teachers are absent today, I'm going to sub in. And for today's agenda is our very own fun game of volleyball." She announces, smirking at all of us as we groan and stomp our feet in the ground. "Don't whine you pantie-whoozers, let's move to the inner gym and get this game started." She shouts one more time before leading the way as we disappear back inside the school and towards the in-house gym.

At least we wont be experiencing the heat
anymore, I was going to die--these sweats are just making me sweat a lot. Ha, how funny.

When the doors are pushed open by Coach Joyce, we lazily folow her inside and one by one stand by the bleachers, waiting for her instruction as she pushes a rolling bag of volleyball balls.

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