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"My baby girl is graduating." My mom sobs, cupping my cheeks as I roll my eyes at her playfully, giggling lightly at her state.

My dad runs inside the living room in only his
pants and I have to scowl as he holds up a shirt
and a blazer. "Slutty or Not-ty?" he asks, worry
etch in his face for some odd reason. It's not like
he has to impress anyone, he has Mom for god's

Mom taps his chin and points at his bulking body. "Hot daddy." She says, winking at my dad as he grins and winks back, making me want to throw up. My mom chuckles and points back at the blazer. "Definitely the not-ty, don't want any milfs staring at what's mine."

I arch an eyebrow at her. "Did you just say milf?" I ask, frowning as I stick my tongue out in disgust. "Can we go before I miss my own graduation?" I laugh, already walking out of the front door as dad and mom rushes around like children. God, it's my graduation, no biggie.

During the car ride to my school, the only thing I
could think about was Wednesday. Why? Because unlike me, who have amazing parents, an awesome picture-taking inside the house and great conversations, Wednesday's probably at her lonely house, waking up to no one, wearing the Academic dress and hat by herself, smiling to no picture taking and walking to school all alone. Shit, she's walking to school today-I'm pretty sure Divina wont stop by to pick her up. I hold my hand out and point to a corner, getting curious looks from my parents.

"Can we please stop by Wednesday's?" I ask, giving my dad a pointed look as he frowns at me. "Don't ask, just go please? It's right there." When we reach Wednesday's house and I'm
nervously knocking on her door, I'm greeted by
the sight of Pugsley opening it with a shocked smile. "Hello Enid."

"Pu-Pugsley," I breathe, blinking a couple of times. "Hi," I wave at him awkwardly and he giggles.

"If you're wondering where Wedns is, she's changing upstairs, do you want to wait for her?" he asks me with a proud smile, probably happy that he's celebrating this moment with Wednesday as I slowly shake my head, declining his offer. I bend down to pluck a small flower from his front yard and give it to Pugsley.

"Tell her good luck and congrats?" I barely even
know what I'm saying anymore as Pugsley smirks up at me like he knows something and nods, taking it from my lithe fingers. I hug him goodbye and walk back to my parent's car, ignoring my dad's lecture the entire way to school.

Little do I know, as soon as Pugsley's presenting the flower to Wednesday, she's crying all over again.

Time runs by so fast when you're graduating, you say hi to people, hug classmates, make inside jokes with students you've been classmates with since kindergarten and it's all so funny because just yesterday, we didn't want to get to know any of the other, but now, not it feels like we regret every moment of bullying and hurting.

Of wasting time.

So when Divina walks up to me and brings me in for a hug, I hug her back just as tight. She lets go and winks at me. "I can't wait to see you in NYU, Enid." She says, waving at a few friends as she leaves me with a sobbing Ajax, who I think shouldn't cry as much because he only transferred this year.

I see Wednesday amidst the crowd of seniors, not even fighting the smile off my lips as I spot the small white flower attached to her ear when she smiles at something one of her cheerio friends tell her, her brown eyes shining that brightness she lost months ago. She feels my gaze and turns to me, her nose scrunching up as she waves at me cutely. And don't be mad at me because I'm feeling super sentimental right now, but I couldn't help grin, wave back and wink at her as I take my seat, not missing the way her blush flutters across her pale cheeks.

"Please sit down." Our principal says, and again,
time's so fast that we're already on that segment
where we hand over the diplomas. But there's
something I have to do that I've been planning, and writing, and practicing for days.

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